CORONAVIRUS - Local Support

Dear Neighbour


The Bowes Park Community Association (BPCA) is co-ordinating a network of community volunteers across Bounds Green and Bowes Park to support our neighbours during the Coronavirus pandemic.  We think it is vital that we provide safe contact and practical support – at a distance – to anyone who needs it.  We know other local groups are already setting up support systems which is amazing and heartening to know that we live in such a caring area.

To make sure no-one in our community is overlooked and to use our resources to best effect, we’d be really grateful if you could reply to this email or email to let us know: 

  • The names of any streets that already have a support group established (please can you ask the person co-ordinating to contact us)


  • If you want to be a Local Co-ordinator for a street / section of a street 

Many thanks and take care


Emma, BPCA Chair

P.S. if you are reading this and are in need of support because of coronavirus, please contact us

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    Currently people can’t self refer until later in the week but a lot of people involved in their care can so please see below.

    Please help to urgently promote that NHS healthcare professionals and social care staff can now refer people for help from the NHS Volunteer Responders through an easy-to-use weblink: 

    The service is for patients who need to self-isolate due to health reasons and need support to do so via collecting shopping/medication, transport  home from hospital and to medical appointments, and ‘check-in and chat’ phone calls to prevent loneliness. Further details here:
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      Emma Killick

      Please see the attached document for local support information:

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        Jel Main

        With the end in sight, the support need isn't going to be over. We have bereaved and long-term handicapped in our midst, and a lot of less vissible psychological damage. It may be useful to get together with your surgery to learn appropriate first aid support skills as the professional services are going to be overwhelmed. The bereavement charity Cruise comes to mind, and I believe St Johns Ambulance may be teaching trauma first-aid. Perhaps our leaders can pull an Authorised Version together.
