A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
Time: June 28, 2015 from 11am to 5pm
Location: Myddleton Road, Bowes Park
Street: Myddleton Road
City/Town: London
Website or Map: http://www.myddletonroadmarke…
Event Type: festival, market
Event Added By: Henry Columbine
Latest Activity: Jun 28, 2015
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Live music stage:
12 noon - Gabriel Vick - modern Irish folk
12:45pm - Michele Paca - jazz standards
1.30pm - Hedgepigs - folk 5 piece
2pm - Bowes Park Folk Club - local folk players
2.45pm - Salsa With Sureka - salsa show and class
3.30pm - Leonardo Milano de Cuba - modern Cuban
4.15pm - Paul Handley and Friends - jazz soul and blues
Festival Stalls (upper Myddleton Road):
Middle Eastern Food - wraps and falafel
Jamaica Deli - cane juice, jerk and fish www.jamaicabluemc.com
The Market Grill - fine burgers www.themarketgrill.co.uk
Couture Surprises - sparkly cake pops www.CoutureSurprises
DeniseBakesCakes - delicious cakes www.denisebakescakes.co.uk
Airship Emporium - vintage china
Bean There Drunk That - coffees and smoothies
The Step Pimms Bar - pimms pimms pimms! www.thestep.co.uk
Gypsy Hill Brewery - craft beer http://www.gipsyhillbrewing.com/
Scream Ice Cream - ice cream van
Talkies Cinema - info stall
Bounds Green What’s On - info stall
The Hub kids activities - Eton Mess & bunting making. Toddler Soft Play Giant Jenga, Drafts and Connect 4
Market Stalls (lower Myddleton Road):
Marsh Produce - fresh from the Kent fields! Celtic Bakers - organic bread from N22 http://www.thecelticbakers.co.uk/
Wilde’s Cheese - artisan cheese from N17 http://wildescheese.co.uk/
One Organic - fresh organic fruit and veg http://oneorganic.co.uk/
Drink Portuguese Wine - fine wine from Portugal www.drinkportuguesewine.co.uk
Jan Manson - gorgeous textiles made by Jan www.janhorroxtextiles.co.uk
Illytrilly - kids hair accessories www.illytrilly.com
Kiki’s House - handmade soaps www.kikishouse.co.uk
Studio 306 - cards and gifts http://www.studio306.co.uk/
Forever Living - aloe beauty products www.facebook.com/nwyndham.myforever
TRAID - information stall http://www.traid.org.uk/
Mobeone - on the spot bike repair http://www.mobeone.org/
Craft Village / Community Garden:
Potshop - fine ceramics
Dagaz Designs - jewellery and gifts https://www.facebook.com/DagazDesigns
Dippity T - hand designed T Shirts www.dippityt.com
A Room in My House - homewares and gifts http://www.aroominmyhouse.com/
More Tea Vicar - vintage china Demie - crochet and ceramics
Claire and Hazel’s vintage - antique homewares
Touchpoints Massage - on the spot massage
Sarah’s Charity Table - kids clothes and books
Lydia and Wolves Lane Nursery - plants and fruits grown in N22
If you'd like to help on the day, please contact daniel_cowan2000@yahoo.co.uk or lucy@myddletonroadmarket.co.uk.
This is going to be a great day!
We especially are looking for people who may want to play live music, dance, entertain children, face paint or help with kids activities.
We are encouraging restaurants & cafes of Myddleton Road to set up food and drink stalls if they want to, and any others from the road who are interested in stalls please let me know as I can advise on the street trader requirements.
More details announced soon...!
Salsa With Sureka are looking forward to teaching you Salsa and performing our debut show at Myddleton Road Market - thanks for inviting us Lucy! xxx
So glad the sun came out eventually! Even when it was raining, great to see so many people out on Myddleton Road and we may have come home with quite a big order of Portuguese wine :)
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