An article in the Daily Mail today features George Moores Menswear and carries an extensive series of images of the shop in Myddleton Road under the headline "Frozen in time: The clothes store left as it was on the last day of..."

Click above to read the article on the Daily Mail Website- which includes uncredited content from the My Bowes Park project delivered by Sound Delivery, commissioned by the Bowes Park Community Association.

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That is bizarre. I mean, wonderful for us to see Bowes Park in the paper (even the Mail) but - as one of the commenters notes - it's a bit of a non-story, isn't it ? Not exactly news. And I guess they sourced the quotes from the sound project. Nice photos though. 

The "quotes" are taken verbatim - without credit or acknowledgement - from the My Bowes Park project conducted by Sound Delivery a couple of years ago.

This includes Mr Moore reporting the shop closed "12 years ago" - which is what he said at the time of his interview - 2 or 3 years ago.

The piece is presented to give the false impression that an interview took place; not great journalism - but I agree the images are good.

The My Bowes Park project is still relevant, and definitely worth a listen; and for a far more thoughtful and reflective article on George Moore's menswear read this blog post by Peter Berthoud.

Bizarrely the same story has appeared on The Sun website - but credited to a different "journalist" ... and still without reference to the original source.

Must be some sort of oversight ... who could possibly imagine questionable journalistic practice from both The Daily Mail AND The Sun on the same day? ;-)

It's a fairly common practice in journalism these days... I'd bet this is down to someone scouring websites for stories they can sell on as their own.

All they need is the brass neck to do it and a contact on the national newsdesks, and your story/opinion/article/photos/hard work becomes a nice little morsel they can sell on. The name of the journo at each paper usually just comes down to whichever shifter happens to be handed the story, to carry out any rewrite that's needed.

Nationals almost never credit the original source... and in this case they probably weren't aware/didn't care where it actually came from. A shame, but not unusual.

Thanks Stephen for the useful insight - I think in this instance it was the pictures that sold in the story to the Mail and Sun. Whilst I think its a fascinating local quirk - I agree with Lindsey, it's a little lightweight for a national daily!

It made the Daily Express website as well, my dad sent me a very excited text when he saw it!

Doesn't that make it plagiarism?

I am new to you all, and this is my first post, I lived in Marlborough road all my life and remember Mr Moore Jnr and his father Old Mr Moore  (as us kids called them.. )looking at the photos brings back memories of Christmas shopping I would scourer Oxford street for a gift for my dad to no avail and would go in to see Old Mr Moore and he would always find me something. Mydleton Road has changed so much since my childhood but the momories are still with me all good ones 

How wonderful. I wish it were still that way today. Hello Shirley!


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