Waste Prevention

Waste Prevention

This list of resources and links was initiated by Adam Paul. If you have further suggestions please add a comment. In addition to preventing waste you can recycle a surprisingly wide range of materials.




Home Composting
Home composting is a great way to reduce your household’s waste, and save money on compost for your garden! Further information, advice and tips are available from www.recyclenow.com including details of any offers on compost bins and wormeries available in your local area.


Real Nappies
Real Nappies for London (RNfL) is London-wide scheme which aims to provide parents with an opportunity to try real nappies. This could help you to reduce waste and save money.

When you have a baby your household waste is likely to double - if you use disposable nappies. Your baby is likely to need 4,000-6,000 changes from birth to potty. That's about a tonne of household waste. So-called eco-friendly disposables or bio-degradable single-use nappies don't tend to break down in landfill. Their high manufacturing, packaging and transport impacts are similar to mainstream disposables. Parents who wash their own nappies often also choose washable wipes - even less waste.

If you spend on average £5 a week at the supermarket on disposable nappies for two and a half years (130 weeks), you will spend £650. That's 4,500 nappies at 14.4 pence each. If you buy 'eco-disposables' at £17 per week you will spend £2,210. That's 4,500 nappies at 49p each.

If you buy washable nappies you may spend between £120 and £300 depending on the system you choose. You will spend about £1 per week on washing, so add a further £130. If you use disposable liners you will spend on average £2.50 per month, so add a further £75. In total you will spend between £325 and £505 on washable nappies from birth to potty. A recent study showed a saving of at least £1,000 (Clean Green Nappy Blog).

Haringey residents may apply for a voucher up to the value of £54.15 to contribute towards the cost of reusable nappies and accessories from participating suppliers and retailers. To be eligible, you must be a resident of LB Haringey and be expecting a baby, or have a baby not older than 18 months. For further information and to apply for a voucher,
visit www.realnappiesforlondon.org.uk/apply or contact the scheme on 020 7324 4709 or



Reduce Unwanted Junk Mail
The Mailing Preference Service (MPS) supports your right to choose the mail you want. Unwanted, unread Direct Mail has no place in anyone's home. And if you're not interested in receiving it, the MPS will update their records for Direct Mail companies to see and adjust their lists as you request. To register, visit www.mpsonline.org.uk.

‘No Junk Mail’ stickers can be placed on your letterbox to discourage unwanted mail and leaflets from being delivered to your property. These are available from OneTwoEight Myddleton Road.

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