14/04574/OUT Chase Farm hospital documents submitted 1st December 2014

Redevelopment of site for mixed use to provide up to 32,000sq m of replacement hospital facilities, construction of a 3-form entry primary school including temporary facilities pending completion of permanent school and construction of up to 500 residential units, provision of additional hospital access opposite Ridge Crest and provision of access to the school site via Shooters Road, involving demolition of hospital buildings and associated residential blocks, partial demolition of Clock Tower complex, removal of microwave clinical waste treatment plant and fuel oil burner, retention of Highlands Wing, retention and extension of existing multi-storey car park, provision of associated car parking, cycle parking, plant, hard and soft landscaping, public realm improvements and associated works. (Outline application: Access) | Chase Farm Hospital The Ridgeway EN2 8JL
Consultation expires 12th January 2015
To access the documents go on line to
and enter the search term EN2 8JL in the simple search filter box. The Planning application 14/04574/OUT is the top item

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There is to be a Planning Panel for the Chase Farm site development to be held at Highlands School Worlds End Lane N21 on 7th January 2015 at 7.30pm For more information and location map click here

The Panning Panel is to be held in the Main Hall at Highlands School.

As part of the meeting the requirements of the Localism Act, A meeting was held at Holtwhites Hill Social Club, kirkland Drive on 6th November 2014. A copy of the presentation is attached below.

Come and Ask questions of Andrew Panniker at 

Wednesday, 17th December, 2014 at 7.30 pm in the Conference
Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA


The LATEST timing for the Chase Farm Hospital planning application is for the relevant LBEnfield Planning Committee to be held on Thursday 12th March 2015 at 19:30. The agenda papers for the meeting are expected to be available HERE  from FRIDAY 6th March. If you INTEND TO BE AT THE MEETING please ARRIVE by 19:00 as seating will be limited and it is first come, first served.

If you are disabled (especially any wheelchair user) and require help please GIVE ADVANCE NOTICE of your intention to attend by e-mailing Jane Creer

Under the provisions of S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the planning consent is subject to the terms of a LEGAL AGREEMENT DATED 23 October 2015

The Decision Notice dated 28th October 2015 is attached as a pdf

NOTE that the decision is subject to Minor Variation under application 15/04547/FUL with a new set of Master documents dated 7th October 2015. This application is planned to be advertised in the press on 4th November 2015


PLANNING APPLICATION 15/04547/FUL will be considered at the LBE Planning Committee on 17th December

The full proposal is attached in pdf. 

The re-orientation of the proposed hospital building has been discussed locally in the public domain and the proposals have been made available for inspection at the development hub on the hospital site


From: rf.cfhstakeholders@nhs.net
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 15:56:57 +0000
Subject: Enfield planning committee's decision on Chase Farm Hospital's redevelopment proposals 

Dear stakeholder,

As you may already be aware, yesterday evening [17th December] Enfield planning committee approved our application to make amendments to the outline redevelopment proposals it considered in March.

This is great news for both the trust and the community, as it means the new hospital will have the flexibility to meet the needs of local people for many years to come.

A news story is currently on our website.

The next big milestone will be the planning committee’s meeting to discuss our reserved matters application, due to be held on 26 January 2015.

As ever, if you have any comments or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us at rf.cfhstakeholders@nhs.net.


Andrew Panniker



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