It would seem that Enfield Transport User Group (ETUG) has meetings and is represented on the LBEnfield Public Transport Consultative Group but people *(perhaps even Councillors,  are treated like mushrooms!

In the Crews Hill Area, following a contract change for bus W10 that begins on 6th Febuary 2016 great minds have changed the timetable for Bus Route W10 with buses running 85 minutes earlier on Monday to Friday 

and 25 minutes earlier on Saturdays

In the meantime, according to the story in the Barnet Local Press Bus Route 298 is potentially under threat, CLICK HERE

But a spokesman for Transport for London (TFL) said there were no plans to axe the service..

He said: “Once the subsidies are withdrawn we will look at the financial viability of all the route

“But we would never axe a route without public consultation in which everyone would be given the chance to say whether this is a good or a bad idea.”

Perhaps as much public consultation as there has been on route W10?

Councillor Derrick Ashley, Hertfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for Transport, said TFL still had an annual budget of around £11 million for the services, with the council’s subsidy amounting to just four per cent of the total costs.

He said: “Like many other authorities outside London, we feel that in the current economic climate this level of subsidy for commercial bus services is no longer justifiable.”

Perhaps someone will explain to the Hertfordshire Cabinet member that many of the bus routes in the extensive local press article are not deemed "commercial" as the contracting regime in London differs substantially from the commercial bus services provided in Hertfordshire!

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He knows cost of everything but the value of nothing?

Perhaps Councillor Derrick Ashley, Hertfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for Transport would benefit from knowing that the cost saving on route 298 can be achieved by curtailing services between Potters Bar Station and Cranfield Road Industrial Estate. How many Potters Bar jobs may be lost or business costs increased


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