Be aware that the land ownership of this NHS site is complicated by the involvement of previous (much earlier) Private Finance Initiative Development - Since NMUH is not a Foundation Trust the freehold land for disposal may be held by NHS Property Services Ltd and land disposal is likely to involve this organisation. Any capital proceeds should not be confused with revenue monies that run the hospital.

Information on The One Degree Academy can be found on the One Degree Academy website

which contains the information:


One Degree Academy is pleased to announce we have secured our permanent site. This will be located very close to Silver Street station. We are extending our section 10 consultation.

We are in the final stages of exchanging contracts on the site and hope to share the exact location very soon. With this great news, we are extending our consultation period until the 19th February to provide you with an opportunity to comment on the location of the school. We have really enjoyed meeting and engaging with parents and members of the community over the last few weeks and looking forward to hearing from more of you.

It is a requirement to hold a consultation* set out by Section 10 of the Academies Act 2010, which also applies to Free Schools since they are legally Academies.

We are looking forward to listening further to your views, in order to provide you with the best school possible.

The consultation will be extended until the 19th February.

You can download our consultation document by clicking this link: SECTION 10

You can read our draft admissions policy by clicking this link:One Degree Academy admissions policy

To respond to this consultation please fill in the questionnaire: here.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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The Board of Directors of North Middlesex University Hospital held a meeting in public on 31st March 2016 . In answer to a public question Finance Director Martin Armstrong was understood to say that Exchange of Contracts for the land sale (which also involve the Education Funding Agency, had taken place on 30th March 2016 Any planning application will be submitted by the agents for the academy.

Martin Armstrong also confirmed that the agency NHS Property Services were NOT involved on this occasion


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