Will it work? £1.50 unlimited trip bus ticket that's valid for an hour

Plans for a one-hour bus ticket have been suggested which would allow passengers unlimited bus journeys within a 60-minute window.

The ticket, possibly to be called The Hopper and costing £1.50, would help people who rely on multiple buses to get to work. 

A single fare now costs £1.50, capped at £4.40 a day on Oyster, but if a passenger changes bus they pay again.{Oyster still equals £4.40 max; Hopper would be £3.00?}


travelling with shift worker Joseph Sarpong to his job at B&Q in New Malden, said: “It was a journey he [Joseph] does twice a day and under the current system it costs him £5 there and back because he uses two buses each way

The £5.00 fare is because the shift worker is using an unsuitable  £5:00 one day bus pass

This ticket which cannot be reloaded is only intended for Visitors to London. The notice at the newsagents (Ticket Stop) warn that this is an expensive way for workers to pay for travel.

By using an original Oyster Card

and by loading the same £5:00 each day of travel, the traveller benefits from a £4:40 daily cap and a weekly cap of £21:00

so would the shift worker save any money? Using the Oyster he would get all his leisure travel included within the same travel cap

For those who claim that I cannot count and that  5 x £3:00 is only £15:00, be aware that both the One Day Bus and Tram Pass; AND the conventional Blue Oyster are often NOT personalised to the ticket holder and (provided it is not being used on more than one bus at the same time), the Oyster can be shared with other family members

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London bus 'hopper' ticket to launch on Monday (12th)</h2>

The new one-hour “Hopper” ticket making travel by bus cheaper and more convenient for millions of Londoners will start on Monday.

The £1.50 fare will allow passengers to change onto another bus or tram for free within 60 minutes of touching in at the start of their journey.

;It will be automatically given to anyone who uses Pay As You Go with Oyster or contactless payment cards.

Mayor Sadiq Khan said the fare will make it cheaper and more convenient for Londoners to travel around the capital, with those on lower incomes benefiting most.

More than ten million 'Hopper' journeys have been made on London's buses since the fare was introduced six weeks ago.  Note the popular use of local bus route 29 and bus route 279

The number 18 bus, which runs from Sudbury and Harrow Road station to Euston, is London's favourite 'Hopper' route while Brent Cross Shopping Centre is the most popular stop, according to figures from Transport for London. 

The fare, introduced by Mayor Sadiq Khan, allows passengers to take another bus or tram within an hour of tapping into the first for no extra cost


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