Dear all

The new owners of the Glencairn Bowls Club site (adjacent to St Martin of Porres RC Primary School) have submitted an application to build 8 houses on the site. The plans include 19 onsite car parking spaces which will be accessed via the driveway into St Martin's.  The consultation deadline is 17 January although Haringey has confirmed that responses may be submitted until 23 January.

The planning application (reference HGY/2016/4166) can be accessed via the link below.


As a governor of St Martin's I would urge you to respond to the application as it will have a significant impact on one of Bound Green's local schools. The school will be submitting a detailed response, but some of its key objections are set out below.

a) The safety of the school children during construction and thereafter would be severely compromised. The Bowls Club site can only be accessed via the driveway into the school. HGVs/heavy machinery using the driveway during construction represent a significant risk to the safety of young children on their school drive. The application provides for 19 vehicles travelling along the school drive. This access would be unrestricted and would take place at any time of the day or night. Refuse will need to be collected on a weekly/twice weekly basis from 8 houses. There will also be deliveries to the dwellings on an ongoing basis. The risk of a child being hit by a vehicle injured or killed is real possibility that cannot sensibly be ignored. The proposal states that the school gates (the gate onto Blake Road) will be removed by the developers. If this happens, the School will lose control of the driveway which would severely compromise the security of the children and the security of the school premises. Nothing would stop unknown third parties from parking in this section of the driveway or fly-tipping (as is common in the area).

b) Change of use of the Bowls Club site from green open space/sports use to C3 housing development is wholly incompatible with the existing use of the immediately adjacent land as a primary school.
c) Loss of open space/biodiversity/impact on ecological corridor. The applicant's own biodiversity report recommends several follow up specialist surveys during the spring/summer months to demonstrate the presence or absence of the stated protected wildlife species. These follow up surveys have not been undertaken and it is therefore impossible to determine the ecological impact of the proposed development. The site is known to be home to many species of mammals, reptiles and birds, some of which may be protected species. The Bowls Club is also adjacent to Tunnel Gardens (not the road), which is a Grade 2 Site for Nature Conservation and identified as a Green corridor in the Haringey Open Space Study 2014. The proposed design does not address the impact of the housing development (eg light from the dwellings) on the ecological corridor. Furthermore, the site is green open space and should be retained as such for community use/use by the school.

The loss of the open space that would result from the housing development, is not in keeping with Haringey’s UDP on open spaces.

d) Noise pollution/Overlooking houses - There will be significant noise during construction which will be very disruptive for the school children. Forever thereafter there will be noise from the 8 dwellings - people going about their daily business, driving cars, playing music, vehicles arriving and leaving, deliveries by van/truck/lorry and refuse and recycling collections once /twice per week of 24 separate receptacles (rubbish, food waste and recycling.)  The nearest dwelling has windows overlooking KS2 playground, one of which is a openable bathroom window.

e) There is no plan to deal with the Japanese Knotweed on the Bowls Club site.

Apologies for the length of this post! Hope you find it helpful.

Kind regards

Sakina Chenot

(Governor - St Martin of Porres RC Primary, Blake Road)

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Seems like a reasonable use of the land. Hopefully the contractor would implement a safe construction methodology, the presence of housing close to the school is an existing situation, its difficult to imagine a Bowling Green as having the same ecological value as an adjacent site that has been allowed to fall into a more natural state, the disruption during construction is temporary and the inconvenience caused by the infill development is a reality across London as people require homes. I agree  Japanese Knotweed requires a mitigation plan under legislation, if there is a risk it is present.  Whatever the outcome I hope it doesn't disadvantage the school too much.

Actually, the development is unnecessary in terms of its meeting the Council's long term housing needs as shown in the Council's response to Section 2 of the Inspector’s Matters and Issues (Site Allocations DPD 2016). Question 4 asked the following question: Is the amount of deliverable land allocated for housing sufficient to meet the needs of the borough over 2016-2020 and the years 2012-2026?

The Council responded: "The indicative capacities as identified in the Appendices to the Site Allocations DPD and Tottenham AAP contain sufficient capacity to meet objectively identified housing need, as set out in the London Plan (1,502 new homes per annum), and the Council’s SHMA (1,354 new units per annum)."

Currently the nearest adjacent housing is at least 30 meters away. Under the proposals the nearest house would overlook the KS2 playground (it is 5m away) and the KS2 classrooms (19m away). No account has been taken of the impact traffic along the school driveway could have on the school children's safety. Even if there was a construction management plan (which may be difficult to enforce), the school would have no control over vehicular access to the site via the driveway thereafter as the school's top gate will be removed. 

The bowling green has not been used for several years since the club went into liquidation. Since then there has been a significant increase in the wildlife (as observed by local residents). The applicant's own biodiversity survey (conducted in November) even admits that further surveys need to be carried out in the spring and summer to properly assess the site's ecological value. Plus there is nothing in the design that addresses the impact of the development on the green corridor (eg, light from roof lights/dormer windows).

For the avoidance of doubt, the bowls club site is located within the school's main gates. There is no other way to access it other than via the school's driveway which the children need to go down in order to go to school.

That's an important consideration and the developer's proposal would need to be very clear on this aspect, e.g. physical barriers between vehicles and pedestrians. Are there any ways the school could benefit, perhaps by negotiating with the landowner/developer?


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