Dear All,

I have decided to reignite the debate on introducing a CPZ on the Enfield side of Bounds Green. As I am sure many of you are aware Enfield Council consulted on the idea around 5 years ago now and since then its my belief that things have got worse.

I live on York Road and on speaking to my immediate neighbors saw that there was an agreement that it would be good if something could be done. I leafleted the majority of York Road on Friday to canvas opinion asking for people to sign there name at the following link and have been quite pleased with the response so far.

I conducted a unscientific survey last week along York Road which showed that on Saturday and Sunday at around 1pm, there were 16 and 18 spaces respectively that were available, however at the same time on Monday there were only 2.

It is quite clear that the bulk of the availability of spaces is concentrated during weekdays and the problem is being caused by commuters who use our roads as a car park. As Haringey have a CPZ covering their side it has further pushed more vehicles down into Enfield.


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Thanks Matthew 

Does anyone know if there is currently a petition on CPZ going on in Marlborough Road? 

I've had a reply from Enfield MP Bambos Charalambous about a CPZ in the Enfield side of Bowes Park/Bounds Green. The Principal Engineer in the Traffic Team at Enfield Council says that the council will only carry out a consultation on CPZ if local residents show a demand for it. We are expected to carry out our own petitions in the affected roads and submit the results to the council. Apparently residents of Belsize Avenue and Marlborough Road recently requested petition pro-formas in October.  I live in Marlborough Road and would be interested to hear from whoever requested the pro-forma. 

Hi Charlotte, here's an update on this:  I live on Kelvin Avenue and I have just submitted a petition for a CPZ alongside a second petition for Melbourne Avenue which was organised by one of the residents on Melbourne.  The two petitions were sent in separately but at the same time, and both were signed by more than 50% of residents on the road which is what's required to kick-start the consultation process.  Bambos was copied into the correspondence and knows that the petitions have been submitted.  We are now working to get Enfield Council to consider the applications in an area-wide context, rather than on a road by road basis, given that the knock on effect of the implementation of the CPZ has clearly had such a knock on effect on all of the surrounding Enfield roads across the border, not just one or two.  The Council have acknowledged receipt of the petitions and have said that they will respond within 20 days, so this leaves about a week. I'll post here once we have an update.  The crucial thing once the consultation starts, will be to ask neighbours on both roads to actually return the forms to the Council confirming that they would like the CPZ to be implemented, otherwise they Council won't act.  Hope this helps.  

If anyone knows of any other petitions in action on any other neighbouring roads please do let us know!  The more they have the better.  Ellie 

Ellie - great to hear that there has been a request for LBE to look at this from an area wide perspective. This makes much more sense and helps to create a community approach. How exactly are you working with Enfield to try to persuade them to look at area wide rather than individual roads? In my experience Enfield seem to find it difficult to move away from just responding to requests from individual roads.

Does anyone know how other authorities manage this -do they all just work with single roads like Enfield?
Hi all,
Update on Russell Road and Granville Road. Following successful resident’s petitions we had a council consultation a few weeks ago. Apparently this a first stage to gauge interest prior to a full exploration. I suggested on my response the need to consider more roads as part of the CPZ, as detailed in this thread. I’ll update when I hear any more.
Thanks Matthew. I think that the more petitions they are receiving for the same area the more likely they are to consider it area wide. We're in the touch with one of the councillors and the person responsible for traffic management in Enfield re this so it's great to know you've also submitted petitions for your roads. Ellie

Thanks everyone, it's great to hear this is progressing and an area wide approach is definitely the best option. I still don't know who requested a petition pro-forma for Marlborough Road but hopefully they will start petitioning soon as I would be very happy to sign and support this. 

I was sent a pro-forma for Marlborough Road after enquiring about the minimum size of a CPZ but I have no plans to carry out a petition as I simply don't have the time - I will happily forward on to you if you like?

I think that there is some confusion over this - the petitions have already been done and submitted to the Council for both Marlborough Road and Kelvin Avenue so there is nothing more to be done on this front now.   More than the required 50% of residents signed both petitions so we are now working with Enfield Councillors to try and get them to assess the area as a whole and not on a road-by-road basis.


I'm so sorry, my error - I meant Melbourne Avenue, not Marlborough Road.  The two petitions that we know have gone in are Melbourne Avenue and Kelvin Avenue.  I'm not sure about Marlborough Road so if you want to start one there then that would also be good - the more roads asking for CPZ the better. 

Apologies for the confusion! Ellie 

Oh, well I was never asked to sign on Marlborough!


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