I live on Marlborough Road and get increasingly frustrated at all the litter which is either dropped by pedestrians or fall out from the bin emptying days.

I now take out a brush and bag to clean the road and pavement personally. I do this because it seems the council no longer provide this service.

I recall street sweepers used to come round and Make sure our streets were free of rubbish, what happened to them, why did they stop (cut backs? ).

Any suggestions as to how we can all help keep our paths and roads litter free would be much welcomed. Maybe a Monday aft or early evening local sweep up can be jointly done by a number of neighbours to ensure we live in a clean, litter free zone.



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You are not alone in taking direct action to keep your local area tidy - an article on theGuardian/Observer website published today reveals that there is a growing concern across the UK with many people getting out and tidying-up their local neighbourhoods. Fundamentally littering is an anti-social activity that shouldn't happen - and whilst it does, it should be the responsibility of the local authority (or its designated contractor) to clean the streets. But all local council services under economic pressure.

A website has been set up to offer advice and support to people who want to do something themselves about litter in their communites  www.LitterHeroes.com has advice about setting up a campaign - with information from across the UK.

Closer to home - a couple of years ago the Bowes Park Community Association were distributing litter picking sticks to those  who signed a pledge to collect litter from their local streets.

Perhaps we could should initiate a local campaign - with everyone committing to clean up litter in their street on one day a week - A Bowes and Bounds "Tidy Friday" campaign? 

BBC TV Documentary "Litter Wars" to be broadcast on Tuesday 19th will report on this phenomenon, of local people taking direct action to keep thisr neighbourhoods litter free

See a clip below:

Brilliant idea Richard, Tidy Friday. I will find out who to make contact with at the BPCA. Marlborough road the part I live at looks so much better without tins of beer, coffee cups, cig butts and tissues all over the road and pavement,

Thankyou Richard for your idea's and Tom for your direct action.



I'm not an app person and not sure if apps should be replacing council employees tidying our streets.......but has anybody noticed that Haringey has launched an app that you can use to report environmental problems such as fly tipping, graffiti and pot holes?



In theory, if you report stuff this way, the council is meant to keep you updated via text on dealing with it...


I know the streets around me (just outside Bowes Park in Woodside) are horrible for rubbish...if I ever get technical enough to try this, I will let you know if it is in any way effective in getting these things sorted out...I'd love to know if anybody else has any joy with it?


Hi Ashleena

Is this the same App discussed here - http://www.bowesandbounds.org/forum/topics/haringey-report-all-app the Haringey Report all App?

I know littering is a general problem but I also wonder if there are some specific factors in this area (the transport links) that make it worse than elsewhere - I get the impression that on the streets near me, motorists (who have finished a long journey) gather up all the rubbish from their car and put it in a bag which then gets deposited on Goring or Westbury Roads. We also seem to get rubbish blown from the side of the railway line (which in itself seems to be a dumping ground for all sorts of stuff). The other significant problem are beer cans - people sit on the walls or on the railway line path drinking and then just dump them where they drank. I agree that littering is very frustrating and can also see that rubbish does breed rubbish - the more loved an area looks, the less people are likely to want to dump stuff.


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