London Borough of Enfield Consultation

Parking has been an issue over many years in the roads close to Bowes Park and Bounds Green stations as people park before travelling into central London on public transport.

Enfield Council is consulting with local people about introducing a Controlled Parking Zone in roads around the stations. Haringey Council has recently introduced a CPZ that operates Monday to Friday 10 am to 12 Noon in the vicinity of Bounds Green Underground station, Enfield Council is consdering a similar scheme as one of the options.

On the plus side you are more likely to find a parking space in your own street - however there is a cost associated with the CPZ permits for residents.

Make sure you have your say. The consultation is open until October 22nd and you can complete the survey online  Further information is available to download from the LB Enfield website and you can leave a comment here.

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A CPZ in Enfield really is a backdoor way of raising council tax. The real parking issue is in the evening when everyone comes home! Way too may houses have been turned into multiple occupation leading to a rise in cars and with Notting Hill Housing Trust wanting to pull even more people into the area via A406 'regeneration', Enfield Councils eyes have simply lit up with £ signs.
I take the point about the housing stock and multiple occupation - there are just too many cars - and this in an area very well served with public transport.

As loads of people drive down from Muswell Hill (and a fair few take the bus) to get on the tube at Bounds Green, I suppose it was inevitable that Enfield would follow-up with a CPZ after Haringey had established one across the road.

This is a problem of living on the edge of two separate local authorities; planning for things like parking transport and housing needs to take account of how people live and move around their neighbourhoods - not the constructed borough boundaries that determine who empties the bins and collects the council tax.
I think the two boroughs do consult each other and as with all consultations, well in Enfield anyway, they ignore what others say and get on with what they planned in the first place. Maybe with a new administration things will be different but I won't hold my breath!
We wouldn't want you to hold your breath too long, Laura, but the world has in fact changed so thankfully you won't have to. It's clear that the former regime in Enfield had - how might we express this diplomatically - consultation problems, but that's one of the first things we're addressing, indeed its one of several areas for which Achilleas is taking direct responsibility.

In fact, if we can put gratuitous (and not very constructive) cynicism to one side, the very fact that we've got this consultation going on the Bounds Green CPZ is proof that the criticism is misplaced. If you would finally show up, for instance, at one of our environmental scrutiny panel meetings - you haven't come to any so far??? - you'd see the change in tone. The next one is Monday 15 November, hopefully you'll attend.

Alan Sitkin said:
Like Richard I agree entirely that we need to battle local densification, it's always been on the agenda which is why we spend so much time fighting developers (as our friends from Palmerston Rd can attest) and seeking to restore a balanced community by getting more services into the ward. Which puts paid to the cheap shot about eyes lighting up with £, don't know who you're referring to but it's not us and not nice. You'd have a better idea of the good things we're working on in this area if you came to some of the things we've been organising re: NHHT and getting the best for the community - but you seem to have stopped getting involved (except for these sarcastic comments here). Yet the ward needs the strongest possible community representation. Hopefully you'll decide to get stuck in again one day.
Great to hear that Enfield is taking into account how many people can be expected to live in the area and anticipate that back gardens won't have houses built on.

Looking forward to the Area Action Plan coming back into action and a meeting to discuss how far it has got.

Traffic and parking are a continual concern on this site and also for other Residents Associations and online forums across the borough. John McMullan a Harringay online site member has suggested an informal get together to talk about traffic, rat-running and parking.

Who's up for a chat at the Gate Pub oppsite Ally Pally station on Weds 23rd at 8:00pm? RSVP on the Events listing page

I'm pretty sure that Enfield have decided not to go ahead with a CPZ in the Bounds Green area.  Feedback from the consultation showed that residents were not in favour. 


But I think Enfield were planning on talking with Haringey traffic engineers regarding the no left turn from Bounds Green on to Brownlow with a view to allowing such a turn and taking some pressure off Warwick Road.  Not sure where that discussion has got.

Thanks for this Laura - will you be able to come to the meeting next week to discuss traffic with others? - anyone from BTAG with an interest in traffic issues?
I'll put the word out and see who can make it.


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