During a recent Street Surgery that we did around Queens Road a number of residents alerted us to the poor state of the passage way that runs from Bounds Green Road past Bowes Park Station and beyond. Residents complained that the passage was full of rubbish and that they often witnessed anti-social behaviour.

As ward councillors we have tried to address some of these concerns:
· We have met with the Bounds Green Safer Neighbourhood Team and they agreed to make the passage a local policing priority.
· Bought the Councils Chief Executive to see the passage and had Council Officers clean up the passage
· Today we met with Network Rail and asked them to commit to cleaning up their section of the passage (behind the metal fence)

We also asked Network Rail to look into repainting the railway bridge and improving the lighting on the bridge as well as various other measures that would improve the station. Numbers of passengers using Bowes Park Station is at an all time high so we are in a strong position to make the case for some investment in this station!

Please do make sure you report any anti-social behaviour to the Bounds Green SNT http://content.met.police.uk/Team/Haringey/BoundsGreen as its really important they know what to look out for.
We will be keeping an eye on the passage over the coming months to make sure it stays clean but do report anything you see either through the Haringey website or by emailing Clare, Joanna or I.

Clare, Ali and Joanna (Bounds Green Councillors)

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Sounds like this conversation needs to be joined up with this one.

Railway verges

That's fantastic news.  Hopefully, though, it won't just be a one-off, as we'll just be in the same position again at some future point.  Thanks to our local councilors though for this.  It could look great. 

Thanks, too, to the person who got the planters installed.  Sadie (my daughter) and I do our bit each morning with watering.


Unfortunately, I've been ill and couldn't pop in to meeting about the verges and network rail. Hope it was of use/would be good to know what they've said.

What about an event or some activities to 'reclaim' the alleyway? A thorough clean up followed by a bit of family fun, some washable chalks, a bit of art...perhaps in tandem with a future Myd Rd market or similar...something to claim it from the drinkers and people who allow their dogs to foul for the rest of us who use it regularly? We've lost the good weather and longer days but perhaps still not impossible...

Would the council support? And would others get involved to help make it happen?

This is good to hear. This passageway had been neglected for far too long and is in desperate need of a long term sustainable action plan that makes it safer and nicer to use for all.

I see Haringey and network rail have been noted as being engaged in this conversation but does anyone know whether enfield council is too? This passageway sits on the boundary of both councils and unfortunately it is very clear to see where one meets the other. Enfield council are terrible at keeping it clean and safe. Fly tipping is rife on the enfield side, and I'm afraid to say I have never seen a street cleaner working this stretch, something that does happen on the Harringey side. Unfortunately this means rubbish and other nasties sit there for weeks on end.

I really do hope we see some action here from all parties.


Thank you for this.

Please keep putting pressure on Haringey to ensure that its contactor, Veolia, is doing the best job it can for Bowes Park residents.



It looks like the Haringey part of the alleyway running from Bounds Green rd down to the North Circular has had a good clean but as soon as you walk past Eleanor road into the Enfield section it is a complete mess with litter, things dumped, overgrowing vegetation. This does not seem to feature on any cleaning route.

It's good to see some action to clean up this alleyway - but it makes no sense to just clean half of it!

Although it' is increasingly used by commuters this is a pretty unloved part of the neighbourhood. The fact that the pathway crosses two borough boundaries, and is not a priority for either, makes it  difficult to get the attention it needs.

We have discused on the forum before that this pathway doesn't even have an official name - apart from a couple of informal, local names ( visit Google Maps and type in "Poo Path" ... guess which location is revealed).

Maybe its time for a campaign to give this lane a proper name, ensure regular litter picks and street cleaning by both Haringey and Enfield and explore the imaginative ideas for better use of the railway verges.

Any suggestions? 

London Borough of Enfield map of public rights of way can be found at the following Link The existence of a public right of way does not necessarily mean ownership or responsibility for cleaning?

The responsibility for transport land is the British Transport Police BTP who may be contacted on 

0800 40 50 40 or send an SMS text message to 61016. The video cameras installed at Bowes Park station are actively monitored by a BTP Officer stationed at LBEnfield Claverings Monitoring Centre

Sad state of affairs if a borough shirks responsibility for a public space, used by its residents. Shouldn't Enfield council take Harringays lead and engage in a conversation about how to make our neighbourhood passage work? 

Hi Richard

We are currently looking into this (naming) bearing in mind this is NR land and might need their consent.


Great news that this path is getting some attention - the stretch between Bounds Green Road and Bowes Park railway station seems regularly used by loitering men to drink beer, throw cans on the floor and then use it as a public urinal. The fly tipping further down - past Bowes Park Station is really awful - and of course the dog poo quota on all parts of the path is high. It is a really handy path but I would certainly never use it after dark as it is so poorly lit. It just feels really unloved - in such stark contrast to the fabulous herb planters on the station.


Efforts to sort out this pathway have made it onto the front page of the local paper - worth a read as it features our very own Cllr Demerci.



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