There's an interesting website which maps bombs dropped on London during the Blitz (1940/41).

There appear to have been around 40 in the B&B area. Frustratingly, there is no additional information: date, consequences etc. Can anyone with local knowledge shed any more light on them? We're talking more than 70 years ago now so there are unlikely to be more than a few people with first-hand memories.

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Thanks for posting - this is fascinating. Some strikes do look a little close to home (e.g. this one!) It would be interesting to see if there is evidence in the local area (new, post-war infill building etc)

Although I'm not sure it is entirely comprehensive ... the bomb that killed several refugees sheltering in Bounds Green Tube seems to be missing from the list?

Seems to me like the Germans had it in for our little corner of London. If you go walking in Alexandra Palace there is an unexploded bomb just above the path at the bottom of the slope. I have always assumed it had been diffused but now I am not quite as certain.

This website is interesting, but some of its references can be misleading and it is limited to a period of only eight months, between October 1940 and June 1941. See the attached photo of Pevensey Avenue in 1942 and one of the same location last year.


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