Does anyone have any information as to why the stairs on our new pedestrian footbridge at Wilmer Way, Bowes Road (NCR) junction have had the stairs closed for over a month now?

We heard that someone had jumped from the stairs?

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Extract from Roads travel update 196: 17 March 2016

12. Monday 21 March to Sunday 5 June – Wilmer Way (N14) As part of the Roads Modernisation Plan, we(TFL) are planning to carry out repair works on Wilmer Way footbridge, crossing the A406. These works will take place on Mondays to Fridays between 08:00 and 18:00 and will start on Monday 21 March and continue until Sunday 5 June. There will be three night closures – dates still to be decided – when we will have to close the entry of Ollerton Road from the A406 and suspend traffic on Wilmer Way


Looks like something is finally happening, as I drove across Wilmer Way traffic lights yesterday (Tuesday) and noted a lot of people with high vis vests standing around looking at the bridge stairwell, probably deciding what size Allen key they needed?

Well it taken nearly two years since I first posted this! At least it’s scheduled be finished before the kids return to school! Let us hope.

Roads and travel update 198  as of 31st March click here (no change reported)

Planned weekly future updates:

Roads and travel update 199 as of 7th April click here

Roads and travel update 200 as of 14th April click here

Roads and travel update 201 as of 21st April click here

Roads and travel update 202 as of 28th April click here

Peter Williams wrote:

Well it taken nearly two years since I first posted this! At least it’s scheduled be finished before the kids return to school! Let us hope.

Sorry Peter, works are currently expected to continue intermittently until 5th June 2016 and to include three NIGHT closures. As of 1st aPRIL 2016 The LondonWorks Register does not currently include any of the three unplanned NIGHT closures

I might be cynical but meeting on site when you observed the hi-viz jackets will facilitate a claim from our Mayor, Boris Johnson, that a start has been made in his Mayoral year London Highway Alliance getting the multi agency team together is a welcome achievement as they can "divi up" the tasks

The Roads and Travel update 199 at of 7th April still refers to a 5th June end date. But the works permits have been amended with LATER EXIRY, see below:

Location: Ollerton Road, Southgate. In footway closure of entrance of Wilmer Way footbridge
Reference: YG422320639
Status: Works Proposed
Works owner: Transport For London, 0845 305 1234, Web Site
Street authority: Enfield
Start date: 31/03/2016

End date: 31/07/2016
Description: repair works on Wilmer Way Footbridge footway closure retro permit

Location: Wilmer Way, Southgate. In footway closure of entrance of Wilmer Way footbridge
Reference: YG422320635
Status: Works Proposed
Works owner: Transport For London, 0845 305 1234Web Site
Street authority: Enfield
Start date: 01/04/2016
End date: 21/07/2016
Description: repair works on Wilmer Way Footbridge partial footway closure retro permit

Appears that they have dug out the foundations of both staircases - would assume to realign the Ollerton road side seeing as the holes no longer line up after two years, i poked my nose in on a Sunday a few months ago to have a look and they did appear to be out.

To cover themselves they are beefing up Wilmer way side.

Would love to hear from the "horses mouth" exactly what happened to begin with but i guess we will never know.

By the way there were flowers a few months ago at that junction and a card from the relatives of the deceased - anybody know anything about this?

Wilmer Way Pedestrian Footbridge update.....(in advance of Bowes Area forum, `20th july 2016)

The TFl Register of Roadworks is STILL not showing any revised information for actual work involving closure of the carriageway (such as crane lift) between 16th July and mid August 2016 

This saga continues to rumble on!

TfL said that the repairs would be completed and the stairs back in full use by 30th June but nothing has happened. In fact, after the initial flurry of putting up barriers and having workers on site for a week or two, there has been little or no activity. I crossed the bridge once or twice a day with my children up to the end of term and still pass it most days, and while there wasn’t a lot happening at the beginning there has been so sign of any work happening at all for the last couple of months. They just seem to have blocked off huge amounts of pavement with barriers but not actually done anything to repair the bridge!

A quick update on this ridiculous saga, as I received this update yesterday from Joanne McCartney:

Joanne has now received a response from TfL about Bowes Road footbridge which I have attached to this email.

As you can see from the response, further issues were encountered once work had commenced. These issues are currently being reviewed and after this review, work should commence on site on 2 September 2016 and be completed by 18 November 2016

 I hope that this information is helpful and please do not hesitate to get in touch if there are any further issues or concerns.


Kind regards,




Yvonne Kay
Research Support Officer to Joanne McCartney AM for Enfield and Haringey
Research Lead for Economy and Education


Thank you Louca-Mai Brady for posting the reply received from Yvonne Kay on bhalf of Joanne Macartmey.

As of 15:00 on  2nd September 2016 the register of works permits until November 2016 appears as follows:

Note the absence of ANY permit applications for TFL works at the Wilmer Way site during the next two months

You could not make this up.

I confidently predict that the foot bridge will NOT be repaired before the end of 2016.


Yup - TfL's incompetence and poor planning on this has been ridiculous. The stairs on the bridge will have been closed for almost 2 ½ years even if the repairs are completed when they say they will be, which frankly seems unlikely. It's also really poor that we've had to keep chasing them via Joanne instead of TfL informing the local community via letter or notices on the site. I think somehow it's not very high on their priority list!

From Daniel Anderson:

From: Road Network Info /font>>
Date: 7 October 2016 at 16:58:08 BST
To: Undisclosed recipients:;
Subject: Wilmer Way footbridge: continuation of repair works planned from 10 October 2016

Dear Stakeholder


Wilmer Way footbridge: continuation of repair works

I am writing with an update on the repair works that started earlier this year on Wilmer Way footbridge, which crosses the A406. The repairs were temporarily suspended as further issues were identified with the bridge after works started, which needed additional design and specialist engineering works. 


We are now able to resume the repairs with works planned from 10 October until mid-December. Some temporary changes will apply during the works, as outlined below.



Temporary lane and road closures from 10 October


The works are planned to take place between 08:00 and 18:00 on Mondays to Fridays. The following temporary changes will apply as a result:



The A406 will remain open during the works, although temporary overnight closures of adjoining roads will be in place for two nights to safely facilitate crane operations:



Traffic impact


31 October

­   Ollerton Road will be closed to all traffic at its junction with the A406

­   Diversions will be in place via Highworth Road, Shrewsbury Road, Stanley Road and Evesham Road

22:00 until 06:00 on 1 November

18 November

­   Wilmer Way will be closed to southbound traffic

­   Diversions will be in place via Powys Lane

22:00 until 06:00 on 19 November

Access for emergency services will be maintained at all times during the works.


Please note that while every effort will be made to complete the works as planned, poor weather conditions may mean that the closures need to be rescheduled at short notice. For live road travel updates, please visit or follow @TfLTrafficNews on Twitter.



Access to the Wilmer Way footbridge will be maintained for the majority of the works, although there will be times when we need to fully close the footbridge while the steps are wielded. The pedestrian crossing under the footbridge crosses the A406 and will remain open throughout with pedestrian and cyclist diversions clearly signposted.


Footways will remain open, wherever possible, although some temporary closures may apply. Any closures will be clearly signed, while pedestrian access to properties will not be affected.



Working hours


The working hours outlined above have been agreed with the London Borough of Enfield. Some works may also be needed at weekends to complete the project as quickly as possible.


We apologise in advance for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience while these improvements are completed.



Find out more


This work forms part of Transport for London’s Road Modernisation Plan, the largest investment in London’s roads for a generation. Visit for more information about the Plan.


The attached letter will be distributed to local residents and stakeholders.


Kind regards



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