A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
Time: December 10, 2013 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Location: The Step
Street: 101 Myddleton Road
City/Town: London
Website or Map: http://www.bowesandbounds.org…
Phone: 020 3302 2412
Event Type: public, meeting, discussion, strategy
Latest Activity: Dec 12, 2013
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Following the excellent public meeting last month, (download minutes) a smaller group have agreed to get together - continuing the momentum and exploring the setting-up of a Neighbourhood Forum to co-ordinate improvements on Myddleton Road and around Bowes Park.
This will be a small, self-organised meeting to plan next stages and lead the development.
Please add in the comments below any items you think should be on the agenda.
If you are attending please complete the RSVP (above right) by clicking the relevant response.
Laura and I will be there. Looking forward to it...!
Some ideas for agenda/content...
*Of the things people would like improved, what could be tackled in short term/medium term and ideas for how...
*N'hood forum and n'hood plan - why do it benefits/aims/challenges/downsides?...
See you all there
I agree with Lucia's ideas for the agenda, plus discussion of potential boundaries for a neighbourhood forum and time to talk about how we want to organise ourselves going forward.
Yes defo Daniel!
Did think after I'd typed those that maybe first a discussion of feedback from survey/forms results and a chat about scope of the meeting i.e. is it about structures/managing things or about creative ideas/solutions or a bit of both.
Lucia / Daniel - unfortunately Julie will not be at the meeting - but she has produced some really useful survey feedback which I will have with me tomorrow. This might be a good point to reflect on where we are ... and I definitely agree we need to think about how we organise ourselves for what happens next, as well as structuring the meeting. See You tomorrow!
Sorry I can't make it - look forward to hearing all about it though.
Hi all,
Like a good civil servant I thought I’d summarise everyone’s great ideas into a draft agenda to kick things off.
Hope this is a helpful starting point. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
Draft Agenda
Intro (getting to know each other and agreeing the scope of the meeting)
Survey feedback
What do we want improved?
What can be tackled in the short/medium term and how? (creative ideas / solutions or a bit of both?)
The Neighbourhood Forum & Plan (Why do it? Boundaries for the forum? Benefits / aims/ challenges/ downsides?)
Managing things goings forward (immediate action and aims, keeping in touch, future structure, roles?)
After the talks last time I was very inspired by the idea of a neighbourhood development plan. Look forward to meeting everyone tomorrow.
Great to meet you all last night.
Forgot to mention these sessions open to communities working on neighbourhood planning, there's one in Oxford in April: http://www.edenproject.com/whats-it-all-about/places-and-regenerati...
Haven't looked at application process for places, but may be useful for us in long term.
Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.
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