Traffic Delays on Chase Side N14 owing to burst water main: Repairs in progress

NRSWA 42-54 Chase Side N14 5PH

Thameswater main to flats above 42-54 Chase Side N14
and carriageway subsidence
As at 23rd June at 15:00, please be aware of leak of potable water  and carriageway subsidence in Chase Side N14 (o/s 42-54, Tesco Express and Hobs Hairdressers)
Inspection of the black top (tarmac) shows evidence of TWO earlier repairs at this location where the T joint in the blue MDPE had failed as a result movement between overlying adjoining concrete panels.
Bus Routes (potentially) affected: 125, 298, 299, 382 (say 14 buses/hr in each direction)
In conjunction with Thameswater, please identify suitable timescales for repair and diversion routes with TfL and draft Schedule 14(2)
Kind regards
Donald Smith

Dear Mr Smith,


Thank you for your email of 23/6/15. I have visited 42 Chase Side today (24/6/15) and have reported this leak to Thames Water at 10:55 hrs. I have requested an urgent response due to the presence of consequential damage. I have also noted and photographed this consequential damage and will monitor the situation. Thames Water have provided the reference 1012988023.


Thank you for reporting this to us.


Yours Faithfully,


Terry Morrison

Street Works Officer

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Location: Chase Side, Enfield North. 25 OUTSIDE POLICE STATION
Reference: MU303000030595907-002
Status: Works In Progress
Works owner: Thames Water, 0845 9200 800Web Site
Street authority: Enfield
Start date: 04/08/2015
End date: 07/08/2015
Description: Main Clamp 0 to 6" Cway in Carriageway. Our intention is to complete thePermanent Reinstatement in the same phase

With no works permit visible on TFL works web site 4th August (noon) contractor arrived on site 5th August Parking and Loading on Chase Side N14 suspended, both traffic signalled controlled pedestrian crossings CLOSED. Single alternate lane traffic controlled by temporary traffic signals

Workcompleted by 17:00 on 7th August but Traffic Management (temporary traffic signals not removed and pedestrian crossings reinstated)

Site works now in breach of permit

Complaint made to Thames water (at noon on 8th August)  and bus operator sullivan buses (route 298) asked to get TFl Response team to visit on site

Traffic Management still place at 15:00 on 8th August

the temporary traffic signals had been removed by 11th August at 15:00 but the pedestrian controlled signal crossings were still inactive!


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