Beginners Salsa Course starting in Bowes Park - feedback wanted!

Hello everyone, 

I'm thinking of running Beginners Salsa lessons in Bowes Park on a Monday or Wednesday night and just wanted to gauge interest! 

Initially, this would be a unique and exciting 4 week course giving you the confidence to step onto the dance floor.

Would you be interested in this and if so, what day would you prefer? It will start end of Feb/ beginning of March. 

Cost would be just £20 for the 4 week course. If it's a success, I'll make it a permanent fixture and add an Improvers Level class immediately afterwards. 

Thanks for reading. All ideas/ suggestions welcome! 

Best wishes,

Sureka x


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Hi Everyone, 

Just a week to go now till my Beginners Salsa Course - CAN'T WAIT!

We now have 11 confirmed bookings - 5 men and 6 women - so numbers are looking good :) 

Tables booked at The Step and Mums Lounge for after dance drinks for class members!

5 more intending to book so only 4 more places left! Who wants them??!

I've added the course as an event now on Bowes and Bounds so you should be able to see all the details here

To book/ For further info, call me on 07984 136 961 or email

Best wishes and see you on the dancefloor very soon! 

Sureka x

Hi Everyone, 

Just to let you all know, this course is now fully booked so there will be no on-the-door admission. However, I hope to run another course starting in May if there is enough interest. Please contact me on 07984 136 961 or email if you'd be interested in taking part! Thanks for all your support and really looking forward to meeting all the Bowes and Bounds Salseros on Wednesday!!! 

Best wishes, 

Sureka x

Hi Everyone,

Just to say a massive THANK YOU!! to everyone who turned up to the first night of my Beginners Salsa Course last Wednesday - It was an absolutely fantastic night and I can't wait to see you all again next Wednesday!

If you missed it, don't worry, there is another Beginners Salsa Course starting on Wednesday 8 May. To book, or for more info call me on 07984 136 961 or email

And if you're not the dancing type (or if you're not sure), feel free to join us anyway after the class for drinks at The Step from 8.30pm on Wednesday!

Best wishes,

Sureka x

Hiya. As you know carolyn and I could to attend the last session and I've a business apt in the west end next wed, , so maybe ill start the next course (carolyn too probably ) on 8 th may. Would that be OK to do please?

Many thanks


Yes of course Sue! I'll message you.

Best wishes,

Sureka x

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that the booking deadline for my next Beginners Salsa Course starting on May 8, is Wednesday 1 May!

The last course was fully booked so please book early to avoid disappointment!

To book/ For more info, call 07984 136 961 or email

Please tell any friends and family who may be interested :)) I would love Bowes and Bounders to have a thriving salsa community!

Thanks and I hope to see you on the dancefloor! 

Best wishes, 

Sureka x

Dear Sureka,

Thank you so much for starting Salsa Classes in our local area. They are great fun. It is amazing how much I have learnt in such a short space of time. You are a great teacher, patient and full of enthusiasm. It is a lovely group and I am so disappointed that I can't make the next session of classes. Please keep a place for me on the subsequent set. Looking forward to seeing you at the Salsa Club outing on Wednesday, a great idea.

Best wishes,


Thanks for your lovely words Mary - it really has been great fun meeting and teaching you all :))   And now it's time to a get a wiggle on Bowes and Bounders!!! The booking deadline for my new Beginners Salsa Course (May 8-24) is WEDNESDAY 1 MAY and places are filling up fast.... if you haven't yet booked/ made payment please do so ASAP. We could also do with a few more men so please spread the word! 

You can see all the details here and book by calling Sureka on 07984 136 961 or emailing 

Also just a reminder about the Charity Salsa Social Night THIS WEDNESDAY!! Please let me know ASAP If you want to join us for food, drinks, laughs and dancing at Bar Salsa from 8pm to 2am, all for a good cause!!! Details here

Happy Dancing!

Sureka x

Hi Everyone, 

A few announcements for current or prospective Salsa lovers...!!!

1) Don't miss our SCORCHING SUMMER 4-WEEK BEGINNERS SALSA COURSE starting WEDNESDAY JUNE 19 -details here -

 NB - Previous courses were fully booked - BOOK EARLY to avoid disappointment!!! 

2) Due to popular demand I will be launching IMPROVERS SALSA COURSES from September for people who have done a minimum of 3 Beginners Salsa Courses with me or equivalent (eg. classes elsewhere).

For this, I need to double the numbers so I can fill both classes. If you are interested in Improvers Salsa Courses in Bowes Park either now or in the future and would like to help with FLYERING, I am offering HALF-PRICE PRIVATE SALSA LESSONS in return! Just give me a call on 07984 136 961.

3) MONTHLY CHARITY SALSA SOCIALS  - Thank you again so much for all your support for my Charity Salsa Socials :))  Launched in April 2013 to introduce Salsa-loving locals to each other and to our vibrant London Salsa Scene while raising money for Children's charities, they have proved a popular addition to the local community and have raised over £200 for charities including UNICEF, NSPCC and Save The Children! To be kept informed of the next Salsa Party night, please join Salsa With Sureka!

That's all folks :) Happy Dancing! 

Sureka x

Dear Sureka,
So looking forward to the next course and catching up with everyone. I have really missed my weekly dose of Salsa and the social afterwards during the past month. It is great fun, just wish I was a bit better! See you on the 19th! Mary

Aww thanks Mary and Debbie! I look forward to our Salsa sesh every Wednesday (not to mention our 'debrief' in Mums Lounge/ The Step afterwards hehe!!)

Can't wait to see you and the others on JUNE 19TH for the next BEGINNERS SALSA COURSE!!!  Just 8 places left now - who wants them?? Call 07984 136 961 or email!!

Sureka xx

The Beginners classes were great fun, wish I could be here to join the Improvers. Thankfully I'll pass through now and again and will book a private where possible, really enjoyed this mornings lesson and finally feel like I can salsa :-) Thanks sooooo much for helping me build my confidence. Debs x


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