Bounds green junction continues to be a congested nightmare (see pic).

We have had support from the council and cllrs in looking at the issues, but it's clear that Transport for London (TFL) that are in charge of bounds green rd & lights/filtering needs to look again at what is going on here.
It feels dangerous and we still have too many people turning left onto Brownlow Rd illegally, despite council's best efforts to change behaviour.
It would be good to gather others' sensible feedback on their experiences: as pedestrians, drivers etc (and pics - but beware the motorbike mobile phone thefts!).
We can then share this and champion the cause with TFL...
Please keep comments precise & sensible for the sake of credibillity!

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I support/endorse all of the above. You have to have eyes in the back of your head it is a nightmare! Speed cameras also need to be installed in Durnsford  Road

It's cars blocking the intersection or going too fast to try "beat" the red light that are infuriating and dangerous. Because it is a large intersection the blocking means it blocks many many people and leads to further delays (and beeping!) and the speeding means they can gather quite a bit of mph to get across it. If the entire intersection had the yellow criss cross junction box markings (and a camera) I think this would help.

There has been a discussion on this site in relation to implementation of a box junction.  There would need to be pressure from the Haringey side of the junction predominantly.  The queuing across the junction seems to be a result of the general increased traffic along Brownlow Rd which regularly seems to jam up along its length.

An aggravating factor was the relocation of the 102\299\184 bus-stop further down the Brownlow Road creating a bottleneck, whereas the old stop had a pull-in that at least allowed traffic to pass

I think that is an aggravating factor, wonder what a long-term solution could be?  A better transport interchange between the tube station and the buses would be possible if Haringey CPO'd the land in front of Latham Court.  A development of the site might include social housing to replace Latham Court although I guess the height of the building may be restricted by the tunnel beneath.


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