The Bounds Green LTN is being implemented July 18th

This means you will no longer be able to use Nightingale Rd, Clarence Road, Truro Road, Myddleton Road or Whittington Road to cut between High Road and Bounds Green Road.

Map here:

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this starts August 18th now.

Does anyone know how this works for Enfield residents? I am an Enfield resident of Marlborough seems to be a Haringey LTN and Haringey residents of Marlborough Road will get a permit to access Marlborough Road. How will Enfield residents get to our end of the road if we can't drive through the Haringey section without a permit?

All residents don't get a permit. Only blue badge holders etc

By looking at the map, nothing will change for you. You will still be able to access your home via Green lanes/High Road, then either Myddleton or Belsize.

But you will not be able to access Palmerston from Bounds Green Road, you will be forced to drive down to the junction with the High Road

By living in the area, as opposed to just looking at the map, MUCH has changed for me. I cannot access my part of Nightingale Road from Green Lanes/High Road, and people living in the lower numbered houses of Nightingale Road cannot access their homes from Bounds Green Road - and the warning notices at the entrance to the road don't tell it like it is in that respect. And in keeping with the character of the powers that be, the claim that we in the road were consulted is a filthy lie - my neighbour wasn't either. 
These Low Traffic Neighbourhoods aren't that brilliant at reducing traffic through the area - On my evening walk I saw two or three cars go through the barrier without any camera lights flashing. What they ARE brilliant for is increasing the pollution of the planet as a whole, because of the extra distances and stops and starts locals have to add to their journeys. Still, we should be grateful we're not in the Bounds Green North East LTN that forces its residents to enter and leave via the North Circular every time.


I am sorry to say that Haringey held various Zoom meetings and put out leaflets about the changes they were proposing.   We can argue whether the consultations were meaningful but not that we were not asked to  put forward our views.

The leaflets were not put through my door or that of my neighbour. However, someone I spoke to who lives in Arcadian Gardens WAS consulted (He wa agin it). As for zoom meetings, how does one get to hear about them?

Thanks Anna.
I live on Marlbrough Road too, Haringey Part, so im only able to exit or return to Bowes Park via queing along High Road and Bounds Green Road onto Myddleton Road. Thats the only road accessible to those living in the middle of this tiny patch called Bowes Park

Help spread the word by signing this e petition, of allowing residents to drive within our own local area having access to leave or enter by more than 1 road!


LTN is a done-deal, best to accept it and move on. Change happens.

It's not a done deal, it's 'supposed' to be a trial.

There is already a petition running against the imposition of this scheme.

ePetition Bounds Green LTN

It’s an 18 month trial. It wasn’t “ imposed”, as there was a public consultation beforehand and the plans were amended in response to feedback.

To get it removed the whole LTN would need to go, as partial removal would cause extremely high traffic volumes into the reopened routes. I agree there could be a smarter solution that allows residents in and out while still blocking rat runners. ANPR or rising bollards could do the job for example.

Let's work towards working out a smarter solutions rather than the knee jerk reaction to remove the scheme.  which was intolerable for some roads. the whole scheme.  If people could come up with suggestions for alterations that would not just move the traffic onto their neighbouring  roads that would be great. eg. Banning all heavy vehicles from passing through the area, having no through traffic between 10.30 pm and 9.30 am.  Giving passes to those who live on roads which have been sliced in two eg Truro  and Nightingale.  


Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.

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