We moved to N11 last Easter and our son got a place at Rhodes Avenue. We were hoping to get our daughter in there as well but she's 40th on the list :-(
However she's now been offered a place at Bounds Green (year 3) and we don't know a lot about it - do people think it's an OK school? Are there any particular good or bad points about it? It's a lot closer than where she's going now (Tottenham), and the trip to and from would be a doddle, but we don't want to take her out of a school where she's happy if she won't be happy in the new one.
Any thoughts or opinions either way?
Cheers all
(PS 20-odd years ago I worked for Haringey Community Workshops in Shaftesbury Hall nr Bowes Park - any memories thereof?)
It's a shame that both your son and daughter can't go to the same school (our two daughters attended different schools for a while and the logistics were complicated!- Now they are both very happy at Bowes) Having a sibling already attending a school is one of the criteria for allocating a place and has priority over distance from the school. You might consider an appeal?
Having said that I have heard very good things from parents of our daughters' contemporaries at Bounds Green - the latest Ofsted report is from a couple of years ago and the head has since led the merger of infants and juniors into a well respected school.
It's a difficult to make the right choice as a parent - but I do think we have some exceptional schools in the area, good luck!
PS On a separate note it would be great to hear about the Haringey Community Workshops - do you think you might write a blog post about it?