I’ve just received confirmation from Enfield Council that they are going to undertake the area-wide CPZ consultation in the Bowes area at the end of June.

The roads included in the consultation are as follows/“:

- Spencer Avenue
- Belsize Avenue
- Kelvin Avenue
- Melbourne Avenue
- Sidney Avenue
- Palmerston Road (the part that runs the length of the North Circ up to the border with Haringey)
- Russell Road
- Marlborough Road (the part that is in Enfield as the Haringey part already has a CPZ)
- Whittington Road (as per Marlborough Road)

We have been trying to get the council to do this for a long time so this is great news. It is so frustrating seeing all those empty spaces over the border in Haringey when coming home, knowing that I will then be driving round and round looking for somewhere to park even vaguely near home.

What we now need are a few residents from each of these roads who would be happy to go and knock on doors and speak to fellow neighbours who might not be aware of how the consultation will work and how the CPZ will work if it is implemented. We also need enough of a response rate otherwise even if enough residents want the CPZ the council won’t consider it.

I have set up the following email address so if you would be happy to get together and speak to neighbours on your road when the consultation letters go out next month.

If you are able to help could you email me and let me know the following details:

- Your name
- The street you live on
- How many streets you might be able to cover within those listed above

The email address to write to me on is:


If we work together I’m sure that we can solve the terrible parking situation that has occurred in our area since Haringey implemented their CPZ up to the Enfield border in late 2016. Many thanks!!

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Hi everyone! You may well have seen that the consultation letters were posted through doors on Monday for the roads listed in my last post about this - please do respond and give your support! We would recommend accepting the council’s proposal of 10-1pm as this directly mirrors the Haringey CPZ over the border. Do email me if you have any queries about it as neighbours and I are in touch with the council regularly! bowescpz@gmail.com

The consultation can be found by going to www.enfield.gov.uk/Consultations and it’s on the main homepage there. The deadline is the 3rd August so please respond to show your support before then. Many thanks!!

Jealous from Goring Road. 


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