Bus Route w4 in Haringey and Enfield: Proposal to provide fixed stops to replace Hail and Ride

The following information has been sourced from theBowes Labour web siteSaturday, 20 August 2016

W4 bus stops on Wolves Lane and NCR

Dear Councillors (Bowes ward)
Enfield Council is working with Transport for London (TfL) to improve access to bus services in the borough. We are proposing to introduce fixed bus stops on the W4 route between Wolves Lane and the North Circular Road to replace the current ‘hail & ride’ system. The London Borough of Haringey has similar proposals for their section of the route continuing to the south. Works will be funded by TfL.
Fixed stops make it easier for passengers with restricted mobility – wheelchair users, parents with prams, older people, etc - to get on and off the bus. Introducing a length of higher kerbs minimises the step between the pavement and the bus. The presence of a yellow bus stop marking, which bans parking at any time, allows the bus to pull in tightly to the boarding area.
The spacing of the 8 bus stops being proposed reflects TfL’s guidance, stating that sequential bus stops in urban locations should be no more than 400 metres apart. The locations have been selected in collaboration with London Buses in order to find the most suitable, safe and useful boarding locations from the perspective of passengers and bus drivers, but also the least intrusive sites from the perspective of adjacent residents.
... Any objections we receive will be considered and reported to the Cabinet Member for Environment, if we cannot find suitable alternative proposals.
Please let me know if you need any further information.
Jonathan Goodson
Principal Engineer - Traffic Team
Planning, Highways & Transportation
Regeneration & Environment Department
Enfield Council

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The proposed stops on route w4. To read in large scale use pdf file below



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