Campervan Break in last night - Thursday 11.30pm, Palmerston Road

Hi All,

I just wanted to share this incident with you all, particularly all the campervan owners.

Last night, around 11.30pm on Palmerston Road, someone broke into our campervan. They picked the lock somehow and climbed in through the tailgate. Luckily, I was in the living room and heard something which made me look out the window. I noticed someone moving around in the back of the van and ran outside to investigate in a fit of rage and panic. I asked him in a raised voice what he was which he replied, he was looking for somewhere to sleep. I won't go into detail as to the remainder of the exchange but he swiftly moved on.

He was about 5'8"/10", caucasian, stocky, mid 30's london accent, wearing jeans and dark blue hooded jacket, round face.

Of course I wish I had taken a photo of him but I was so enraged and just wanted to make sure no damage was done or anything stolen.

So, I just want to give people heads up to make sure your Vans are locked up and keep an eye out for any unscrupulous characters, especially fitting the above description.



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Hi Syed and Terri

What a nasty shock! Thanks for alerting people.

I would urge you - if you haven't already done so - to report this: in the first instance to the Bowes Safer Neighbourhoods team (phone & email info here) but also to the Enfield Borough Anti-Social Behaviour unit (info here). You could probably copy in your councilors too.

There has been a continuing problem with rough sleepers causing trouble along Green Lanes - until recently there were people sleeping in an abandoned car on the service road behind the Green Lanes shops by the North Circular. Your intruder may be related? Whilst it has been almost a year since these issues were raised on this site (Follow this link) police and council officials have failed to resolve the continued vagrancy, begging, street drinking and anti-social behaviour on  Green Lanes.

It's important that every incident is reported and those attempting to address residents concern know what's happening so that the full picture can be understood by police and the council anti-social behaviour unit.

Best wishes.

Thanks for the info Richard. I have contacted the Safer Neighborhood Teams.

I will follow up with emails to the Councillors as well.

This is not the first time I've had issues with people tampering my van. Last year someone stole the protective cover off the van whilst parked on Lascotts Road, as well crashing into my van and leaving a huge dent on the vehicle and steeling all 4 hubcaps off the van earlier this year. I am now extremely concerned as I own a classic vehicle which is being damaged or targeted whilst being parked outside my house.

I will share any info I can after speaking with the the neighborhood teams.

Thanks again for your message and the above info.


Syed & Terri

Sorry to hear about this incident.  Thank you for sharing it with us. 


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