Hi all, can anyone recommend a local cleaner?

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I've got a very good cleaner, who is looking for some extra work.


Hi Eileen,

Thanks for this. Do you have your cleaners details so I could give them a call?

Many thanks,


Hi John,

I spoke to her today and she's actually taken on some extra work. She asked me to ask you what your needs are, how many hours and roughly where abouts you live etc…



We are looking for 2/3 hours a week - on a Thur or Fri ideally. No ironing - just general house cleaning/keeping things tidy. It's not a dirty house as we keep it quite clean anyway. We live on Broomfield Road. Thank you.

Okay, can I get back to you, it maybe tomorrow.

of course - thanks Eileen. We are free this weekend and around if your cleaner wanted to pop over to have a look around.


I'm very sorry to have taken so long to get back to you. I've contacted Sylvia, my cleaner, and here is her: mobile number: 077519329402.

Best of luck,


Hi Eileen - thanks for this. I think there may be a digit too many?


Very sorry, it's: 07519329402


Hi Eileen,  I was wondering if your cleaner was still looking for more work? I'm looking for a new cleaner, and would be great to use someone with a recommendation!


Just posted another cleaner request before I had looked at this discussion.  Any chance anybody can help?

Hi guys - I have a great cleaner who might be looking for extra work but just bounds green bowes park area.
If you can email me your details & requirements I can pass the details to her. jude@judehabib.com


Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.

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