I hate to have a moan but...

There are some very large dogs doing their business all the way down Myddleton road to the Bowes Park station. It is absolutely disgusting!

As a dog owner myself I know that it is not very difficult to clean up after your dog, especially with the amount of plastic bags available in the shops! Furthermore, I believe if you don't do it you can be fined.

The dog poo is horrific enough but I find the spit/phlegm/greenies gobbed everywhere in between even more horrific. It is unhygienic and unnecessary. It has really upset me because I love living in Bowes Park and these people are disrespecting my home!

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I agree there are some pretty unsavoury sights on the pavements  - but foxes, rather than dogs, may be to blame ... so perhaps its not all down to irresponsible owners!

Spiting however is a different matter - Enfield Council has attempted to bring in a by-law to outlaw spitting, but I think it might be a difficult to achieve this behaviour change.

Couldn't agree more... if I see anyone not picking up their dog's doo doo I always try and be brave and ask them nicely to pick it up. Normally doesn't do any good but I think that if the owners know that locals think it's unacceptable then maybe one day they'll change their ways!

Haven't noticed the spit though... eeeuuuuuuwwww will make a mental note to take my shoes off before going through the front door.

Maybe we should request another dog litter bin on the Whittington Road side of the bridge / top of Myddleton Road? What do you think?

I agree Nell about requesting another bin....but perhaps they could make it not at head height like the one on the other side. I find it most perturbing.


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