Even the Picaddilly Tube Lines is reported to have a good service (Humph)

If you believe the announcements from London Underground Control Rooms, there is "a Good Service on All Lines"

A look at the District Dave London Underground Forum on 20th November reveals the following interchange:

15 hours ago 

Post by will on 15 hours ago

The Pic has had quite a few reliability problems lately any one know why the (normally) most reliable trains are failing so much?
15 hours ago 

Post by reganorak on 15 hours ago

An unexpected spate of 'flatted wheels'.
15 hours ago

Post by luacton on 15 hours ago

Yesterday on the way home (Between Acton Town and Rayners lane), the driver made an announcement explaining we would not be getting anywhere fast due to rail adhesion issues. You could hear that whenever the driver got past the first notch on the controller, the wheels would slip.  

Anyway, this has made me think about how this issue could be prevented. First thought would be the use of a RAT, but I can imagine this is not possible currently without borrowing from another line. 

How would rail adhesion issues be solved without the use of a RAT? Does sandite get spread by hand in places if really bad?
In this case RAT = Rail Adhesion Train

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The Rail Adhesion Train used by LUL in West London is generally Metropolitan Line Class A60 sandite dispenser cars 6036 and 6132


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