Friends of the Green Bounds Green - FGBG Carols on the Green

Hello Everyone - Here is an update to our Carols on the Green event on Saturday. We have now sold out of tickets which should mean lots of hearty festive singing! We are very lucky to have Barbara Waller with us who is a member of a local community choir and she will be supported by a few members of the Bounds Green Food Bank Choir. Bounds Green Food Bank will also be collecting donations so please come along with some cash if you can for this very worthy cause.
If you are going on to the Ranelagh after the event you can collect a 20% of voucher from one of our marshals at the exit. Please ensure you only take one voucher per group so that there are enough for all who want them.
We will have carol sheets to hand out but if you want to download and print off your own so you can practice there is a link at the end of this post!
We would also ask you to keep an eye on social media in case there is a reason to cancel eg weather!
Thank you for attending and we look forward to seeing you Saturday at 4.00pm
FGBG Committee

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