Following on from Ovi the Egg Eating Dinosaur, here's another great post from Peter Berthoud's Discovering London blog.

If you thought George Moore's Myddleton Road shopfront was just about mouldy underpants read Peter's ruminations reconsidering it as a museum piece and admiring it as "a really beautiful piece of genuine community art".

Read the full post here

Browse more photos here. 

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Great article. Thanks for sharing!

Scaffolding's gone up round George Moore's - looks like he might be getting his roof fixed at last! 

I bought a nightshirt in this shop once! (Must have been over twenty years ago).  Great article, thanks!

I love this. Thanks so much.

Does anyone know what they plan to do in the new shop?

Hello Bowes & Bounds! I just dropped by to let you know that Pete's blog is being rebuilt and the George Moore post has been restored here.

We'd love to know what's happening with the shop now. 


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