Health Alert for nebuliser users: high air pollution warning for much of England on 10th April

Harmful levels of air pollution will accompany the warm weather expected across the UK on Friday, triggering government warnings that people with health problems should reduce their physical activity.

Much of central, eastern and northern England will be blanketed in high pollution, according to the official UK Air site, with some of south-east England affected by very high pollution.

The episode is blamed on a combination of dirty air from the continent, the fine weather conditions and Saharan dust, which contributed to several days of serious pollution one year ago. Temperatures are expected to reach almost 20C in some areas on Friday....In regions hit by high pollution ......, the official health advice is for adults and children with lung problems to reduce their physical activity, and for all older people to reduce physical exertion. In the very high areas, which include Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings, the entire population are advised to reduce physical activity.

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