A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
Anyone who was expecting the vacant space at Palmers Green Library to be used for Health purposes (GP practice, dental practice) will be disappointed as Cabinet Members are proposing the space to be let to commercial operator Fit4Less, for more information on the operator CLICK HERE
The decision has been extracted from the local authority web site, CLICK HERE and reproduced as a document in a MSWord file
The opportunity exists for the decision to be subject to Councillor CALL IN if the CALL IN occurs before December 4th, 2015
Tags (all lower case):
The Planning Proposal P13-03626LBE was approved with D1 use (Doctors Surgery) subject to conditions
8.1 In accordance with Regulations 3 of the Town and Country Planning General
Regulations 1992, planning permission be deemed to be GRANTED subject
to conditions in summary:
1. C60 - Approved plans
2. CO7 - External materials
3. CO9 - External surfacing materials
4. C11 - Details of enclosures
5. Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme
6. Hours of opening (8am-8pm Mondays to Saturdays).
7. C17 – Details of landscaping
8. C59 - Cycle storage
9. C19 - Refuse storage
10. C30 - Restriction of open storage
11. The development shall not be occupied until a car park management strategy
has been submitted to and approved by the LPA and implemented in
accordance with the approved details. It is essential that the strategy ensures
the car park is made available only for visitors to the library and health centre.
The strategy may include but not be limited to Pay and Display bays or a
physical barrier at the entrance.
12. (empty in original report)
13. Reason: To ensure the car park is only used by visitors to the surgery or the
14. C49 - Restricted Use Class (Doctors Surgery) only
15. Energy Performance Certificate
16. Energy Efficiency
18. C51a Time limit
The Planning database records no application to either extend the use or the Monday Saturday hours 8am to 8pm
More accurately, we wanted and sought a practice. No doctor chose to move into the new facilities. We can't dictate that. So what do you do then?
CllCllr Sitkin writes:
More accurately, we wanted and sought a practice. No doctor chose to move into the new facilities. We can't dictate that. So what do you do then?
All very good but "more accurately" whilst one or two Bowes Ward Councillors may have been told this at sometime, and a resident has told me that Cllr Bambos Charalambous had "mentioned" this at Palmers Green Forum; what conclusion am I expected to reach when the Officer's Part 1 report for Decision at Page 2 (reproduced below)
neither makes no mention of this claim at all, nor any recent discussion with NHS England (London) Director of Primary Care Commissioning , David Sturgeon, mailto:david.sturgeon@nhs.net to seek a resolution of the aspiration by leasing the property through NHS Property Co and appointing an employed GP or using the space for provision of out sourced services through In Health, or as a base for staff operating the newly introduced service NorthMid@Home being provided by HealthcareatHome
If I was conducting a prospective purchase of one of the 19 apartment flats in Prytaneum Court (Southgate Town Hall) I would assign a different financial value to the prospective property purchase if the adjoining development was a User Class D1 Doctors Surgery rather than a User Class D4/D5 development with a different demographic profile such as Fit4Less. My legal solicitor conducting a "personal search" would appear prime-facie currently to only gain the information under the 2013 Planning Permission P13-03626LBE.
Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.
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