This may be a long shot but I'm trying to combine my interest in trying to speak Italian and our own community efforts to chat with older neighbours who may welcome the occasional  conversation. Does anyone know an Italian person in our area who would be willing to let me practise my rather weak Italian over the odd cup of tea and a chat (in either language)?

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Hi Robin,

We have a timebank member who is Italian and she certainly likes to talk :0)

Perhaps you could arrange an exchange with her? Do you know much about timebanking?



hi robin

just join the london italian language meetup and go to one of the events and you will find loads of people speaking italian at your level and even at native one (like myself!!!).

I recommend it for interesting conversations and a different night out with nice people!!

by the way, I am one of the organisers!!

spero che la mia idea ti piaccia, lucia


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