LBE CABINET 19th October: Development at Edmonton Cemetary (loss of 10 tennis courts)

RECOMMENDATION 2.1 2.2 That Cabinet approve, Option 2, the redirection of capital expenditure, funded through borrowing, of £1.8million to extend Edmonton Cemetery onto part of the land owned by the Council adjacent to the A10. This will enable the provision of 1718 new burial plots to assist in meeting the future burial demand, subject to planning approval. That Cabinet approves, to assist the development, the reduction of 10 tennis courts (of the 14 currently provided) on the proposed site and to ring-fence a dedicated capital sum (also redirected from within the existing capital programme) of £250K, as part of the overall £2.05Million budget, to assist the development of tennis within the borough. That Cabinet approves, subject to 2.1 and 2.2, and consultation with stakeholders, to appropriate the land for planning purposes and to delegate to the Director Regeneration & Environment (in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member) the decision to procure, negotiate and award contracts (in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Rules) for the works as appropriate

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