A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
The Bowes Ward Councillors website has drawn attention to a new planning application for the Ritz Parade site at 188 Bowes Road N11 by an agent working for McDonald's.
Around a year ago significant opposition to the Planning Application for a "Drive Thru2 (sic) "Restaurant" (sic) led to McDonald's withdrawing their bid.
The current application is not for a restaurant, but simply advertising - including what they call an advertising "totem" (identified here) the detailed drawings for the ad includes a reference to a McDonald's "Drive Thru". The Block Diagram (drawn up in May 2014) details where the advertisement would be placed on the site ... but also shows on the same map the proposed site for a drive thru restaurant ... for which there is no current planning application.
Are they really only planning to put up advertisements? Or is this a pre-cursor to a new application for a McDonald's outlet... located adjacent to a secondary school and opposite a primary school ... and also taking up the only sizeable chunk of development land in the area - land that might be used to build a new primary school and to provide some of the much-needed school places in short supply locally?
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Hihi again Laura, just to correct a misapprehension. The risk is not that a local authority will be "bullied" into granting permission. The risk is that the decision will be taken out of the local authority's hands, i.e. if the developer appeals to the planning inspectorate which overrules a rejection at the local level.
You talk about planning law but even more relevant would be to have a look at the hierarchy of actors allocated planning-related decision-making powers.
No worries, we're all on the same side here. And yes I agree, as you know I've always wanted to see a grocery store on the site (amongst other things). Although again, we can't force any one chain to move in. All we can do is try...
I objected to this a year ago and am not suprised it has come back again - not only is every parcel of land being "Over" developed for flats but now this application.
some Questions - i assume it was not an accident the application was submitted during the summer holidays - opposition was mobilised at Bowes school last time by parents.
Are TFL looking into that part of the A406? - there have been two fatal accidents along that part and extra traffic turning onto there 24 hours will not help (Though seeing ats the footbridge at the end of Ollerton Road has been out of action for weeks and general litter and mess along the "New" A406 continues i am not hopeful)
Once this is permitted i assume the "Pie in the Sky" plans for community use of the rest of the Parade will melt into another block of dull shoebox flats.
Alan, what are our options under the Localism Act to put in place a Neighbourhood Plan and put it to a local referendum, thereby offering local people a say in approving planning consent for these sites (in particular the Ritz Parade)? The Local Authority is obliged to support. In your view would this offer complimentary protection in terms of the community's say so in conjunction with policy/NCAAP? Are we too late?
Honest answer Matthew is I don't know. There are serious questions about how devoted this Government is to localism in reality. They talk the talk but then impose lots of top-down dictates on local interests: the "presumption in favour of sustainable [!!] development" mandate contained within the Localism Act itself; the problems I've seen in defining what constitutes a community group; not to mention loads of constraints regarding what a Council can do or can't do. So even if I'm supportive of the concept of neighbourhood plans, I'm doubtful that they afford any more protection against unwanted development than the neighbourhood is already getting from the Council and its current Administration (i.e. seeing as we're all singing from the same hymn sheet).
We have just completed our copy of the objection letter which was forwarded from BHORA. I was one of the over 100 local people who objected to the development last time. Thanks Andrea for giving the link to the BHORA website. It would be great if others can complete this and send it off.
Very good point re potentially far more beneficial use of the land. We need lots of things, but not McDonald's. And coming up with better ideas re use of land is such a good strategy, much better than just protesting defensively - not sounding like Nimbys, but being proactive about how the site could be better developed.
News today (via the Broomfield Home Owners and Residents Association) that Enfield Council has again rejected planning permission for McDonald to build a drive through on the North Circular Road at Ritz Parade, (although this decision could be the subject of a planning appeal).
Richard is right - no complacency. Local planning framework works. Residents' letters too. But careful that they don't try to go above our heads.
Why Enfield Council rejected McDo? See planning framework. Reasons below.
Does no one find it peculiar, strange or downright mad to take a ton or two of metal with you to obtain a meal? Of course this has nothing to do with planning law & arrangements, but the fact that the application can be made shows how daft Homo sapiens has become.
Personally I find the whole thing embarrassing.
Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.
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