This fascinating document makes a really interesting read. Attached is the programme for the 1998 Myddleton Road Festival - it contains lots of information about the businesses which were operating on Myddleton Road 14 years ago including some terrific old advertisements.

There is also talk of establishing a market on Myddleton Road back then!

Following our recent publication of Richard Ainsworth's photographs of Myddleton Road in the late 90s I was contacted by Gerry Byman who was the creator of the brilliant Bill Clinton Haircut poster- Gerry has now moved out of London, but he very kindly forwarded a copy of the document to share on the website.

At 28 pages it's an impressive programme for a community event and it carries an enormous number of local business supporters - several still trading. Download the full document or view below




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amazing, and not a Facebook twitter or "like this" link in site! barely any email! ah the good old days of privacy and innocence..and its only 13 years ago! lol

Ha Ha - Yes ... and brought to you via an internet link!

you know its old as Jim Davidson is in there!

Amazing that a brochure produced in 1998 looks so old fashioned now!



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