Read Easy is a National Charity which provides a free, friendly and confidential coaching service for adults wishing to develop their reading skills.   

The Haringey branch has just been launched, and we’re actively looking for people who would benefit from our service.   We would be delighted to hear from anyone in need of help with their reading.

Individuals are offered two short (30 minute) free sessions per week on a 1-1 basis.  These will take place at a centre as near as possible to the individual’s home (to be discussed).  To apply, they need to be:

  • A Haringey Resident and aged over 18
  • Fluent enough in spoken English to understand the helper, and for the helper to understand them

The Read Easy coaching programme will continue, in agreement with both learner and coach, for as long as it takes to meet the needs of the learner. 

Please contact Joanna Burke, details below. 


T: 07979 865700

Read Easy Haringey is a legally independent local organisation affiliated to Read Easy UK (Registered charity no. 1151288).


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