After having an electrical safety check on my property on Marlborough Road, the flat failed on several counts including an old fuse box prob about 60/70 years old with no cut off circuit board and no earthing cable coming into the flat,
Electrician is not sure if my electrical supplier are obligated to provide one, he is looking into it.
Has anyone else come across this Problem and if so, how was it resolved please?

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Hi Suellen

This is par for a property of this age - the electrical service probably also used wire fuses in both live and neutral phases.

Does the property have (had)  a gas supply? At the date of the property's electrical installation earthing would have been provided by a connection directly to the gas pipe. The original gas supply in the street and in the house may (should) have been changed to yellow MDPE Alkathene piping; when this was done the freeholder/tenants of the flat would have been served a notice requiring the provision of the separate electrical earth connection. 

Hello Donald
Thank you so much for your reply, yes the property does have gas supply but cannot ever recall hearing about a notice to separate the earth connection.

Power UK are it seems the distributor of Electricity around here, so they’ve kindly agreed to do a site visit within 10 days. If they confirm no earthing wires they may insert a PME box to link earthing into their network free of charge. The advisor on the phone reassured me that if the electrician had seriously thought there was w high fire risk or possible electrocution then he would have disabled the electric supply when he carried out the electrical safety test, so I’m certainly feeling less anxious now.
I know the flat wiring is old and once earthed I need to find someone to re wire the flat moving on.

Thanks again for your help


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