Hi there;

The three pensioners groups in Haringey, Tottenham Pensioners Action Group, Hornsey Pensioners Action Group and the Haringey over 50s (Ho50s), are hosting a picnic at Bruce Castle Park on Lordship Lane on Saturday 28 August from 2pm to 4pm.  There is a map enclosed.  The weather looks OK, no rain is forecast and there's no obligation to buy anything.  It's nothing fancy.  It's just a chance to get out, it's been so long, and meet other like minded people. 

You can bring your own food or purchase something from the cafe.  There's plenty of picnic tables to just sit and enjoy.  

With the easing of the covid lockdown, the situation for older people doesn't look so bright and we need to stick together.  Budgets look like they will be cut even more, digital exclusion is already happening and services will be looking a lot different. Come and have a chat about things you're concerned about. 

You might even decide to join one of the groups.

For more information, email info@ho50s.org.uk.  If you get lost on the day, give us a ring on 07915 447 009.

We look forward to seeing you.


James Cowling
Ho50s secretary 

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