On October 18th, Haringey's Regulatory Committee voted to advise the Cabinet to remove the Pinkham Way site from the draft North London Waste Plan. 

In almost eight years, the Council has never explained why, when other boroughs put forward well-established industrial sites for waste, Haringey has found it necessary to put forward one of only 8 Grade 1 Sites for Nature Conservation in the borough - and a London Priority Habitat to boot.

Neither does the site's employment status qualify it for inclusion in the plan, as the Council has argued.

As part of an intense campaign leading up to the Cabinet meeting on November 13th, we've launched a petition - only our second ever.

All members of the household over 18 may sign. Please pass it to family, friends, and you local networks. We need to keep the supporting signatures as local as possible, preferably from Haringey, Barnet and Enfield.

To sign in support, please click on this link:


Many thanks for reading this.

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