
I wonder if I could ask for some advice? We are considering moving to the area but have seen various articles about pollution levels at Bowes Primary School. Does anyone know how bad it is and whether it has actually impacted the health of the children? I'd really appreciate any info or links that would help me to make a decision. Also, does anyone know about the plans for the regeneration of that strip of the North Circular? I know they plan to build more housing but just wondered if there is a architects/town planning drawing anywhere? I've seen the regeneration doc that Enfield Council created but no visuals.

Appreciate any pointers


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There's an air monitoring site within the grounds of the school, data from which can be accessed via the web, enabling you to draw your own conclusions.  My son is at the school and my younger son will be soon enough so I've done my homework as you are seeking to do.  What I can tell you is that we are pleased with the education provided by the school and would recommend it if you're lucky enough to be in the catchment area, which is likely to come under pressure once the developments on the North Circular come on stream.  We are also lucky enough to have a number of fantastic schools in the area besides Bowes.  The following is a extract from a earlier post on this site: "For several years the London Air Quality Network has been monitoring data across the capital to determine the level and location of airborne pollution. One of their monitoring stations is located within the perimeter wall of Bowes School on the North Circular Road. (see picture , right). The unit is continuously producing high-resolution measurements for pollutants such as ozone, oxides of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and PM10 particulates. The data from this unit is automatically collected and transmitted via a publicly accessible website; you can see the latest full report on the LAQN website".

Regarding the developments on the North Circular, again a brief search of this site will bring up the information you need.  TfL sold the freehold of a number of locations along the road to Notting Hill Housing Association when the road upgrade scheme was carried out a few years ago.  Understandably they are looking for a return on investment and the developments are well underway, as a drive along this section will show.  Further developments are planned and the sites are clearly visible - the one I would draw your attention to from a point of view of proximity is the Ritz Parade where I am not sure what the plans say but I anticipate one solution would be demolition and a fairly dense mixed use development.  At the junction of Green Lanes and North Circ there were plans for a fairly dense development with a tower which was interesting but again I am not sure how advanced the plans are.  The needs for housing always have to be balanced against the needs of the community in these cases, however people need places to live in an expanding London.  The North Circular Area Action Plan gives an overview, although it wasn't universally appreciated at the time: http://www.enfield.gov.uk/downloads/file/10320/ncaap_adoption_versi...

Enfield Council will be able to give details of the latest proposals for specific sites.  Good luck with your move wherever you decide upon.

Thanks Matthew

This is really helpful.

Haringey's pollution doesn't come only from CO2 emissions from vehicles or factories. The borough faces some serious difficulties in the fight with waste. Fly-tipping Haringey's trade mark. If you want to keep your kid safe you should definitely raise his awareness on the waste disposal subject. A more intelligent and informed person can be the reason for pointing the society to the right direction. Pollution is not just trying to make the air cleaner but reducing waste as well. If you find it difficult to do so in your home I also recommend this rubbish removal company in times you feel helpless about it.

A word of WARNING: If you plan to move into the area with young children read the information on the web site of Bowes Primary School, CLICK HERE.

Bowes is an outstanding school . We are part of the Bowes Learning Alliance, which includes

  • Chesterfield,
  • Bowes Edmonton,
  • Bowes St.Mary's and
  • Bowes Southgate Green

South West Enfield Action Team has been campaigning for at least two years for increased primary school provision and you may wish to contact SWEAT via Gonul Daniels


Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.

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