A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
I wonder if everyone is aware that Haringey's new Development Plan includes plans to demolish the Civic Centre and build houses/flats on the Council land . The Civic Centre is a rare example of Modernism which is still largely in its original state and could be spectacular if it had been properly maintained but has had little care or money spent on it latterly so currently look a bit grim - but it is an important building and could be a wonderful asset to the Community. I feel the large spaces inside would provide a meeting venues, both large and small that are so lacking in the surrounding area. It could become a focus for Art and Music for all the community, it could provide a suitable venue for performances of a modest size - all without an enormous sum being spent.
I have applied to have it listed as a building of national importance ( I was told it is already on Haringey's locally listed buildings but failed to find any reverence although pubs, horsetroughs etc and deemed 'listable') I would be grateful to know if I am a lone voice in wishing this iconic building to be saved and wonder if there are others out there willing to fight for the life of this building.
We have a good record of fighting planners. We managed to save the frontage of the police station and a sympathetic modern addition being put in place, we stopped a hideous development on the site of the Tin Tabernacle so with a bit of a push perhaps we could keep the Civic Centre standing for the benefit of the next generation.
Sadly so many good buildings have been pulled down by Haringey and few have been replace by anything better.
Please let me know if you want to start the objections!
Kate Franzmann
Tags (all lower case):
Just an update as to what is happening to the Civic Centre currently. Although it is in the development plan to be altered/knocked down this would be something the Conservation Officer of Haringey would firmly resist. In addition there can be no alteration or development put in place without public consultation as it currently lies within a conservation area.
I have spoken to Ali Demerci today and he assures me he would contact me if a planning application were placed to change the nature of the above. Presumably there would then follow a public enquiry if sufficient people object to this lovely but neglected building being obliterated.
Emma Killick found two useful documents regarding the Civic Centre one from the 20th Century Society pointing out the importance of this building, and suggesting a way forward.
The link is
A further document gives background information about the building
They liken it to an Arne Jacobsen!
I have written to the Heritage England to see if the building could be on a national lists. This will be processed in due time. Apparently two other application to list the Civic Centre have also been received. It would be good if we could all get together so if you know of someone else who has been in contact with Heritage England please ask them to get in touch,
Hi there,
We would love the building to be preserved, restored and used either as a swimming pool/ leisure centre (which I believe is already one proposal begin considered), arts/ community building or some kind of community market. Let us know how we can help.
Andrew McClusky and Amy Norton, Trinity Road
Thanks Andrew and Amy. Will be in contact when I know something more definite.
Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.
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