
Had some comms through the door from our local MP concerning the alley alongside the railway - it appears that network rail are visiting on Tues 18th at 11am to discuss the maintenance of the verges alongside the railway and that local residents are welcome to attend.

It strikes me as an opportunity to take an interest and perhaps help them consider more creative ways to maintain the green verges and contribute to the area positively, rather than just being nagged periodically about clearing vegetation and them occasionally doing it...not to mention litter in verges issue. I imagine there will be many restrictions about the use of this space, given the locale and dangers but certainly worth a conversation?

The herb planters have been a great addition to the station and show value of a bit of green/planting thinking!

Any interest out there?

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Hi Lucia,

I have been thinking for a while that the railway verges are a wasted opportunity and I agree there are many more creative ways of using that space other than allowing the brambles to take over and then hacking them all back in a sort of scorched earth policy!  I am very time poor but I could join in if there was work to be done and would be happy to knock some ideas about.


Great idea.

Cleaning up the railway verges and cutting back the overhanging hedges and plants along the alleyway itself sounds like an ideal candidate for a community payback project.  This might be an effective way to get a major autumn clean up done?

Community Payback

London Community Payback


Lynne Featherstone MP has put a short report up on her website.

This is good to hear. This passageway had been neglected for far too long and is in desperate need of a long term sustainable action plan that makes it safer and nicer to use for all.

I see Haringey and network rail have been noted as being engaged in this conversation but does anyone know whether enfield council is too? This passageway sits on the boundary of both councils and unfortunately it is very clear to see where one meets the other. Enfield council are terrible at keeping it clean and safe. Fly tipping is rife on the enfield side, and I'm afraid to say I have never seen a street cleaner working this stretch, something that does happen on the Harringey side. Unfortunately this means rubbish and other nasties sit there for weeks on end.

I really do hope we see some action here from all parties.

I contacted network rail about this last year. I made a suggestion in exchange for looking after the land but to no joy. 


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