In case anyone is unaware, Muswell Hill Library is under threat as the Council wants to spend money moving it to an inappropriate site instead of improving its access/facilities where it currently is situated on Queens Avenue.  There are convincing arguments as to why the new site is unsuitable but as well as this many people fear that moving it away from its original purpose-built building will render it more vulnerable to closure.  

The chairman of the Friends of Muswell Hill Library, George Danker, outlines the arguments below and includes a link to the Haringey Consultation.


Most likely you are already aware that Muswell Hill Library is under threat from Haringey Council. They have stated in no uncertain terms that they are intending to shut down the library and open a new library on an alternative site, underneath the new luxury flats development at 54-56 Muswell Hill - the site of the old Green Man.

The Council have launched a "consultation" because they have a duty to gauge public opinion on important matters such as this. You may have received a leaflet through your door in the past few days, informing you that there are only two viable options: stay in the existing building, which has issues with disabled access and toilet provision; or move to the new site. This is not true.

There is a third option, which the council have not added to the consultation. We know that it would only cost in the region of £60,000 to fund minor upgrade works to the library. This would include better disabled access, with a lift to the upper floor, and accessible toilets. The Council dismissed this on the grounds that it would cost £680,000. This is nonsense. We have been given a quote for £60,000.

The alternative site, at the old Green Man, is completely inappropriate. It is at the top of one of the steepest hills in London. There is no prospect of disabled parking. It would be impossible for cars to stop safely nearby to set down passengers. The idea that disabled access issues would be solved by moving to this site is completely false.

The site plans for the Green Man also show that the adjacent cafe/bar will not include any toilets of its own - but instead will be given access to the library toilets. The reason for this is that the developer does not want to install toilets in the commercial section of the development (they cannot charge for the space!). This situation means that noisy, potentially intoxicated cafe/bar customers will be constantly trampling across the library all day long. Can you imagine such a farce?

Haringey Council has had Muswell Hill Library in its crosshairs for years - and now the want to sell off the building. According to the Council, the library is a significant financial asset which, if sold, could fund a multitude of capital projects across Haringey. The Council confirmed that there are no plans to reinvest the funds in Muswell Hill itself. We suggested the Council should lease the Green Man site to a retailer instead - this would generate £250,000 per year in revenue - but they haven't even bothered to respond to this suggestion.

As a result of this, the Friends of Muswell Hill Library are today launching a campaign to Save Muswell Hill Library. We will be campaigning for the 'third option' of fully costed minor improvements to the library under a £60,000 budget.

What can you do?
1. Go to and fill in the consultation questionnaire. Remember to respond 'Strongly Agree' to Option 1, and 'Strongly Disagree' to Option 2. Please also remember to click the 'submit' button at the end of the questionnaire.

2. Write an impassioned email to the Councillors involved. The Councillor responsible for libraries is Bernice Vanier - her email address is . The Council officer (civil servant) responsible for this project is Zoe Robertson - her email address is .

3. Make a formal complaint to the council that they have not consulted the public on all the viable options. Please go to this website: to make a formal complaint which will be investigated by the council.

4. Sign our petition and publicise it amongst your friends, family and other local community groups. This will be circulated in the coming days.

5. Volunteer to help us. Our petition will need 2,220 signatures to trigger a full council debate on the issue. If we reach this we can formally make our case in front of the decision-makers who so desperately wish we would disappear. We need people who can help with publicity - that could be on social media, knocking on doors, standing outside the library, putting signs up in shop windows, getting local celebrities and other high-profile individuals involved. We also need to engage large institutions such as schools and colleges.

If you can help us, or if you know someone else who can, now is the time. We need to Save Muswell Hill Library for future generations. Please get in touch -

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