What do people think about the idea of a skills/services swap? I know we are all busy but sometimes there are things you just can't do yourself. We could offer our skills and services in return for those of others. It need not be as formalised as the LETS schemes, but I'm just putting the idea out there. All about support in the community (rather like the excellent idea of a cat feeders' group; there's a limit to how often you can ask your cat-free, immediate neighbours to do this!).

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Someone from Haringey Timebank came to speak to the BPCA AGM recently - she did an exercise where we all put down on post it notes things we could use help with and things we could offer. Several theoretical matches were made on the night! 

I'm sure some things could be easily swapped ad hoc on this forum, but if it gets complicated, rather than setting up a system here, we could use: http://www.haringeytimebank.org.uk/

Although Haringey Timebank covers the whole borough the idea is to encourage local skill swapping which fosters a greater sense of community and neighbourllness so we always try to match people who live local to each other.

so your idea of helping out locally is totally in keeping with the ethos of timebanking - all we would need to record the hours is for everyone involved to register and send in the hours volunteered on a regular basis.  This would then give you access to the timebank  data base and the option to 'spend' your credits on a variety of skills offered by  other people or activities or events.

I am employed as one of the brokers for the Timebank, my co worker is Susan Holtom.  We have over 250 individual members, over 50 organisation members and are close to 5,000 hours being exchanged. It is not necessary for you to have loads of people to sign up from Bowes and Bounds - just register the people who are swapping already and it could grow from there.

I think it is a great idea.
Hi I am a local artist and have a studio in the chocolate factory where I teach adults and kids ,sculpture ,ceramics and painting,and I have also. Done a mural at st adains school in crouchend ,so have experience doing one.so if it is happening ,would love to get involed,
Cheers lucky
I would love to help the elderly in Bowes Park, if anyone knows of someone who is socially isolated and in need of Friendly chat, help with shopping, having a hot cooked meal each week, then I would love to help on this.

Hi Suellen,

If you wanted to get involved formally Age UK has an open invitation to get involved as a Community Volunteer with all the appropriate training and CRB checks etc ... but of course we do not need to sign-up to anything at all if we just want to keep an eye out for our more vulnerable neighbours.

Awesome ideas Diana and Lindsey - let's get swapping! At the moment I'm looking for a web designer and someone who can dye a dress purple!! Can pay in Salsa or English lessons, proof-reading or copywriting xx

Right, I have joined Timebank to see what it can do. Sureka, why don't you sign up too and see if you can find someone to dye your dress? There are definitely people offering web skills on there. 

PS am hoping to be able to come to some salsa classes again soon! 


Great - will do. And please do! We've got a really lovely group at the moment and lots of exciting things coming up - Fireworks night social and our Christmas party for starters!!!


Hi all - the good thing about joining is you would be able to access the whole range of skills available from all our members while being able to exchange your skills with your local community

Not everything is publicly advertised - you need to be a member to see everything being offered/wanted. Now I'm in I can see that - for example - there are 2 people offering basic DIY skills in N22 and 1 person who might be able to help with a lift to Homebase. If I wanted to be matched up with them, I can submit a request to the broker through my account. 


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