We have just received notification, via a letter through our door, that our road (Arcadian Gardens) will be closed for most of tomorrow (Friday), owing to a funeral at the church at the end of the road (at the junction with High Road). Only the hearse and family cars will have access to Arcadian Gardens from that end of the road.


Residents have been told not to park in this area because the mourners will need the parking spaces and, that if they do, "any cars not removed will be relocated to adjacent streets." The letter goes on to say, "We appreciate that this will cause some inconvenience but we ask for your understanding at what is a very difficult time for the family concerned."


I am, frankly, stunned by this letter. What legal recourse does Haringey Council (the sender of the letter) have to move residents' cars? Would fines be incurred for this and, if so, what is the legality here? Of course, it is very sad to have to attend a funeral but why on earth should the ease of the mourners' parking be prioritised over that of residents? Why are the mourners not being invited to find alternative roads on which to park instead? Or, perhaps, warned that the church is in a residential area, which may mean that parking is tight, and that they therefore may wish to consider other forms of transport? These are things which I have always taken into consideration when driving to funerals; I would not dream of expecting local residents' cars being forcibly removed to other streets for my own convenience. And, surely, if this is such a huge funeral, with numbers that will potentially cause such incredible disruption to the local area between the hours of 9.30am and 4pm (as indicated on the letter), a neighbourhood church in a heavily-populated area is perhaps not the most sensible location for it?


There is a telephone number on the letter, which I intend to call later, but I was wondering what other local residents thought of the letter first (although seeing a neighbour's face as he read it on his way to work this morning suggests to me that myself and my husband are not alone in our reaction!).


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Hi Dawnage

Whilst I entirely understand your concern about the disruption caused by the road closure, this is not an ordinary funeral.

It was reported in the Haringey Independent last week that the funeral of Mark Duggan will take place at the the New Testament Church of God in Arcadian Gardens on Friday. Duggan was the man who's shooting by police was the spark for the riots in Tottenham, Wood Green and across many other towns in England last month.

The funeral will form a procession from Tottenham for a short service in the Church before a burial at Wolves Lane at the bottom of Arcadian Gardens. Without doubt there will be significant disruption locally for a couple of hours, however I think it is understandable that the whole process - including isolating an area for the funeral procession to park - is being closely managed. Given the background, the day of the funeral is likely to be a moment of heightened tension locally, and ensuring that it can take place smoothly will help alleviate some of the concerns expresed about the initial police reaction to the Duggan family detailed in this Guardian article from a couple of days ago.

I feel sure that this is a unique situation to manage the very particular circumstances of this funeral.


Thanks for your response - it certainly makes more sense now, and that will surely be a big funeral and gives some explanation for the unusual situation arising.

Is there any indication of a precise timeframe? The letter indicated that cars not moved by 9am will be moved and that this disruption will continue until 4pm, which is several hours longer than I would anticipate for a funeral service and procession - even a lengthy and sizeable one, as will understandably and expectedly be the case.

I am still interested in the legalities of Haringey Council moving cars, out of interest. Any idea whether those whose cars have been moved will incur a fine? I imagine there isn't any precedent for this in the borough, so am wondering how this will work. Luckily for me, I am due to be at work all day so it shouldn't really impact me - however, I would be a bit concerned for anyone who may be on holiday, or away for a few days, and returns to find a space where they left their vehicle! Especially if Haringey has seen fit to fine them for the pleasure...


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