I am fortunate enough to have one of the allotments at the end of Elenor Road adjacent to the railway line.  Whilst there last weekend, I saw, attached to the fence towards the A406 entrance gate, a weird looking piece of 'art' or perhaps something more sinister on some fencing near the electrical substation.


It's made from bits of Dolls and entitled 'Dolly Mixture'.


It's more than mildly disturbing given the context of it's placement, it's content and why someone would put it there...


Does anyone know why this is there or if it's the start of some Satanist Cult who happen to have moved in (growing marrows at the same time).



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n10bjj said:
wtf? creepy creepy creepy.

That is seriously disturbing and should be taken down - children should not be exposed to it.

Catharine Perry

I'd certainly agree that its very creepy, and inappropriate. I'd have said that its a piece of "modern art", but that its creator ought to find a more appropriate venue for it, instead of foisting it upon a public space, unwanted.


Who's responsible for the fence? Should they be contacted about it?

I think the fencing is the property of the local electricity utility company. 
Uncertain of the contacts. I'll show it to the Allotment Chap and get his view. I'm not going to touch it myself in fear if some kind of Karmic retribution. I've seen far to many horror flicks fir my own good(!). 

Dave Corcoran said:

I'd certainly agree that its very creepy, and inappropriate. I'd have said that its a piece of "modern art", but that its creator ought to find a more appropriate venue for it, instead of foisting it upon a public space, unwanted.


Who's responsible for the fence? Should they be contacted about it?

Don't know if its still there. I might go see tomorrow, if I have time. Agreed that in a venue where people choose to see it, it would be fine (and I'd then be actively supportive of it)- but very odd in a public space.


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