Neighbourhood Planning

We have had several conversations on this site about planning and development in our neighbourhood - often as a response to developers proposals.

Now a new opportunity to support the creation of a Neigbourhood plan - creating an overall vision for our area. The Localism Act 2011 introduces statutory Neighbourhood Planning in England. It enables communities to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan - and is intended to give communities more of a say in the development of their local area

Locality is a national network of over community-led organisations who are committed to improving their neighbourhoods. They help people to set up locally owned and led organisations and support those organisations to exchange good ideas about what works.

Locality will be providing a new programme of support and grants, with £9.5m funding available, to help communties create neighbourhood plans.

People can use neighbourhood plans to shape development in their community, such as the location of new housing and businesses.

The Programme and fund open on 1 May 2013
The Neighbourhood Planning fund and support programme will open on 1 May 2013 and last for two years. Groups will be able to bid for up to £7,000 each to help them produce their plan.

More than 500 communities across England are making use of the new neighbourhood planning powers. This funding will be available to them, as well as new groups coming forward.

Full details of the fund and support will be available from 15 April at

Is anyone interested in talking further about creating a Neighbourhood Plan for the Bowes and Bounds area?

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I'd be happy to get involved - I think the area has a lot of potential and already a network of active community members and a Neighbourhood Plan could be a positive development! 

I think a local plan could really help us/the community shape what we want locally - and give us a way to manage some of the local issues with landlords/shops/amenities...


Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.

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