In 1990, shortly after his release from prison, Nelson Mandela came to our neighbourhood to visit the house where Oliver Tambo lived in exile. He is seen in the picture above at the Alexandra Park House with former Tottenham MP Bernie Grant. It was not his first visit - back in 1962 Mandela had stayed in the house as a guest of ANC leader Oliver Tambo.

To mark the passing of the former President of South Africa the flag of the African National Congress is today being flown in Albert Road Rec and over the Haringey Civic Centre.

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Nearly! Over the Albert Road Rec., the South African flag is flying at half mast:

Also at Haringey Civic Centre, it is the South African flag:

BUT By Alexandra Palace the ANC flag is flying:

I thought I saw him look out of a window around N10, no one believed me but was sure it was him, looks like it probably was. :)

There are further fantastic photographs of Nelson Mandela's visit to N10 on Vassa Nicolaou's Facebook page - a good lesson in always having a camera with you! (thanks to Fiona MacDonald for the tip off)

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