Whereabouts do you Live? Mapping London's neighbourhoods by people, not places.

I'm always interested in new forms of data mapping; making sense of statistical information by locating the data on a map A new website launched this week has provided a fascinating insight.

Whereabouts London is an experiment in using data analysis to identify what "types" of people inhabit bits of London. The aim is understand and improve the places we live and help Londoners see their environment in a new light.

The project draws on 235 types of data drawn from a huge number of sources both about local places and the people who live there. Data includes educational qualifications, Car Ownership, General Health, Local parks and open spaces – even the number of photographs uploaded to Flickr which taken together create a profile of a neighbourhood and its inhabitants.

The project identifies places into one of eight groupings or "Whereabouts" These are not defined by physical location but based on the type of people who live there: how we live – not where we live.

Our own core are is effectively split east and west along the railway line through Bowes Park.
The east side forms what the researchers call "Whereabouts 1" whose residents are "professional and well educated". This group:
Make up 13% of the London population

  • Are more likely to commute to work via train
  • Has above average home owners
  • More likely to work in professional and technical occupations

A slightly different group is identified east of the railway – "Whereabouts 2" residents are representative of the London average, but score higher for racial diversity than any other neighbourhood. As a group they:

  • Make up 12% of the London population
  • Have the highest proportion of foreign residents
  • Are more likely to work in sales occupations
  • Have a high proportion of family households with children

Like any of these mapping exercises there is much to consider and discuss in the detail - but it makes for a fascinating way to look at our area and the surrounding neighbourhoods in a new light. 

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