Myddleton Road is nice, but it could be much much better.

In fact I think the "improvement" has stalled somewhat over the last 2-3 years.

There are too many parked cars on it, too much through traffic, the pavements are cracked/dirty, there's too much rubbish/litter, too many empty shops and shop fronts that look, well, a bit "scruffy"

Why can't it be more like Francis Road in Leyton?

See links below:

(See 3rd July Entry)


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I was responding to Bernadette Osman's replies which have all disappeared.

So I will try again...

Essentially I do not think Haringey or Enfield have any vision or inclination on how make the area better and attract the type of businesses to improve the area.

Wood Green centre itself has gone downhill (low quality shops, people relieving themselves in the street etc), the stretch of the High Road between Wood Green and the A406 is populated by cafes that some say are connected to money laundering, with groups of men hanging around outside, which some people find intimidating.

And sadly Myddleton Road seems to be heading the same way. For the entire Myddleton road why isn't there anywhere to go for a nice meal?


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